LIMITED-TIME CONTENT ❤️‍🔥🦾 Molten Machines Shard Box🦿❤️‍🔥

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Honey, Jan 5, 2023.

  1. Wow. Big disappointment. 💔
  2. So annoying that every hunt has a new special ec box.
    chadae, Champagne, Maddie and 2 others like this.
  3. Wtf is this? 😂 Sad male avis yet again.
  4. What in gods green flat earth is this?

    these are horrible. Every other hunt you’re doing shard boxes that look horrendous, maybe take some time and go back to the drawing board and try and put a smidge of effort into them.
    Puma, Maddie and xPeachMamii- like this.
  5. Y’all should just hire me at this point because the creativity lately has been lacking.
  6. Why does the rare attempt to make cyberpunk avis goes down with such disappointment? I mean cyberpunk wouldn’t even come to my mind if someone showed me these…
    And now it’ll be years of waiting for a chance at cool cyberpunk avis…
  7. The hunt box and story avis have my heart more than these, would have been cool if they felt more alien or robotic instead of just normal people in metallic clothing and accessories
  8. I love them all 😩✋️ Shut up and take my money!! ╭(♡・ㅂ・)و ̑̑
  9. Ngl the 95/95 is my fave, the line between organic and mechanic. Cyberpunk vibes
    Shotgun likes this.
  10. 🥲my niece can create better ones then those
  11. love the concept, hate the execution.
    Gossamer and SweetAsYonii like this.
  12. its because people like u that ATA keeps launching half-ass avis/hunts. u have no taste 😅
    Puma, Maddie and Gossamer like this.
  13. I like the 95/95 too but I feel that ata is pushing out too many avis rn at a time rn. It’s over saturated, it’s unsustainable, and if it’s all being developed at the same time, it’s gonna be rushed. I’d rather the devs slow down and take their time crafting new art <3
    Hayes, Adorabelle, iGumiho and 6 others like this.
  14. Did you get a bigger art team ata? Yous have been releasing alot of new stuff fairly quickly. Dont be over working your staff again
  15. Just coz people dont have the same interests as you it doesnt mean they are wrong
  16. You should broaden your horizon, sweetheart. You'll enjoy more things that way 😌🫶
    LuckyQuack and Lumi like this.
  17. doesnt make you any special hating anybody that likes the stuff that you dont. and i think the gold ring avis are great too. perhaps you dont have the taste to appreciate it.
  18. u wish i care enough to h8 u lmao calm down ..
  19. if u read d whole thread ud see that im js saying what everyone is :3 chill grandma
  20. same to u hehe <333