EVENT ✨❄️ The Lights of Winter ❄️✨

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Honey, Nov 24, 2022.

  1. Omg I so want the avi with the husky. How can I get it. I don't see it in the store or anything
  2. Love love love, and the main story avatar is gorgeous! 😍
  3. Very cute hunt so excited!!!
  4. Yey dogs 🥹
  5. Finally a hunt I love since joining😂💕💕
  6. This is amazing and enjoyable! But, can someone tell me how to get the middle female avi from the first row, I literally got no clue for that one..
  7. 3rd and 4th side story
  8. How to get the avi in the upper middle? I thought she would be one for the Leaderboard but she’s not 🥺
  9. 3rd & 4th side story
    Harlot and Lumi like this.
  10. Thank you!
    -Mrs_Mis- likes this.
  11. Ata did an amazing job for this hunt😍
  12. Boring avis . Ur survey must have showed females spent more real money ..prolly thatsy all the fem avis look better and males suck !! Right ata- a tyrant ape!!
  13. That’s how we dress tho durning winter and common dogs in Iceland are huskies soo
  14. Anyone else not able to see the side story, it disappeared for me 🤡 Alexa is nowhere to be found like I’m not receiving lite boxes or the new winter furni boxes. I’ve already closed and re opened my app and I made sure to check for updates. Finished 7 parties and nothing popping up 💀
  15. SO in love with the avatars 😩🫶🏻
  16. Place at least top 100
  17. Oh hey oku 😉🧡
  18. Agree. Just makes me sad
  19. How do we unlock the 3rd & 4th side stories, i’ve been inactive for a WHILE lmao
  20. BUYING

    THIS HUNT 999 leaderboard wmis
    Luya7 likes this.