NEW FEATURE 📢 New Help Experience IS LIVE!📚

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Oct 7, 2022.

  1. What do you mean by spam bots in pub chat?
  2. There is literally no way to stop spam, scam or porn bots without completely deleting the internet from existence. This is not something you can blame ata for. Just learn basic internet safety and you will be fine
  3. Have you not seen them? I see them multiple times every day
  4. I have seen KUKU who spam rubbish in pub chat.
  5. Nice! Such a helpful lovely idea 💙😌
  6. I see. ATA is tired of us moaning, so rather want us to moan to a bot or try to find it ourselves. I hate the bot customer service. Its terrible🤖
    renamed50991 likes this.
  7. When they constantly get people asking the same thing over and over...this is a good thing. Coz it wont clog up tickets for those who actul need help with stuff
    DaniDaniBoBani and Jvn7 like this.
  8. Ok this is beautiful in every way! I love it! Amazing job! One of the main reasons I still play pimd, cuz the ideas are overflowing. I love how this is and I’m happy I met it❤️..but… still the bots…🤔🤔
  9. Ok this is beautiful in every way! I love it! Amazing job! One of the main reasons I still play pimd, cuz the ideas are overflowing. I love how this is and I’m happy I met it❤️..but… still the bots…🤔🤔
  10. The new system is trash. I submitted a ticket this morning and in the old system I would get a response an hour later. Still no reply. Just another way for ATA to ignore us... I've had issues with receiving my rewards for the Single City crossover, it's been over 12 hours and nothing. My help ticket hasn't even been addressed.
  11. You have been lucky with getting a response within 1hr. Usul it takes a couple days
  12. It works great however I want to be able to thank the dev that helped me out or answered my ticket I miss that aspect of the old ticket system
    ALittleBirdie and Rosalia like this.
  13. I’d like the ability to close my ticket once the issue is resolved, if possible. I feel bad that ATA has to check back on it and close it manually after fixing the issue.
  14. This seems like an interesting update!
  15. Щдд хто же нужна пучок спаржи, 2 килограмма помидоров и сахар

    Продавец: Хорошо, какой сахар? Кусочками или пудра?

    Покупатель: пудра подойдет. У вас есть смягчитель?

    Продавец: Да, у нас есть. Это прямо здесь, в моющем отделе

    Покупатель: Наконец, я возьму два ломтика копченой ветчины и 3 отбивных из свинины

    Продавец: Хорошо, это 25 долларов, вот ваш чек
  17. My only issue with this is that sometimes I don't know when I'm waiting for real people to answer or if I'm still conversing with the bot.

    Sometimes I go around and around in circles with the bot and don't know what dialogue option will take me through to a human.

    Or I think my issue has gone through to a person and so I wait and wait for a response and a week later, there is no response.

    Extremely frustrating.
    BitterB, Louigi, iMoan and 1 other person like this.