LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🥳 There's a Party in Single City! 🥳

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 22, 2022.

  1. No one from ATA has even come on here to acknowledge the issue. 🤧
  2. Lvl 15 requires t2 garden
  3. Ata doesnt watch forums
  4. Wait so is it even possible to finish this for ppl who don’t spend money on the game? If not I feel like I’m just wasting time trying
  5. If u dont spend...No its absolutely not obtainable. But u can definitely get to 14 as f2p,just takes a lot of work for 13->14.... Gettibng to level 13 is super easy tho

  6. Super easy? I disagree. I got to lvl 13 last night and I legit get on this game every couple of hours since day 1. So no, it's not super easy. And from here every upgrade is 12-48h and up.
  7. Theres research that lowers upgrade time by alot the more you do it
    Xara and Debt like this.
  8. Def work on ur "rapid renovation" in the business tree. Up to 40% quicker room renovations. And theres also a branch where u can speed up specific rooms so +#% + 40% renovation speeds. And getting to level 13 is indeed super easy to do within the 30 day period of how long this event is. U still got ≈ 13days till this event ends so u have plenty of time to get to lvl 14. (i also recommend working on tiering up ur bathroom to lvl 2 cuz thats required to go 13->14) 😘
    _Kosha_ likes this.
  9. Yes, the problem is that important researches like multitasking ect they all take a day or two as well, so in the end it all adds up.
    lustylegend likes this.
  10. Gotta decide what you prioritize more. Theres ways to make the event easier. But up to you what you do
    Debt likes this.
  11. I sent a ticket to both pimd and sc and just got a reply from both and a award notification from single city, its solved
  12. I stopped once I realized after level 13 this would be extremely hard to accomplish without money and I'm tired of spending money on virtual crap.
    _Kosha_, De, Puma and 2 others like this.
  13. Understandable, proud of u for hitting 13 tho 🤗🤗🖤
    Ydun likes this.
  14. I'm at lvl 15. Let's get these crates
    Lumi likes this.
  15. The problem is very hard to get money after lv 10, its take forever for me , i dont watch the game for 24 h duh
  16. Its impossible to get all the way without spending money, lol, stuck with lack of materials at lvl 13 for days now
    GenKeia, _Kosha_, _HeIium_ and 6 others like this.
  17. I sent a ticket and it took them about 24 hours to reply and then like another 12 hours to get my reward.
  18. Same I’m stuck on lvl 13.. no materials to tier up furniture,300 tokens to spend on materials gives me nothing of use,recycling furniture gives me *1* material yet I need (ex) 100 of that material to tier up
    GenKeia, Dune and _Kosha_ like this.
  19. Update: there is no way that I can see to get reach lvl 15

    I'm lvl 14 and after spending (alot) and hustling the gameplay- my store has gone blank, and there's no more story updates.

    I need a total of 6 furnitures at tier 3 yet 4 of those require new furnitures as those I currently have don't go past tier 2
  20. I was about to reach level 14, but needed 200 welcome mats for the entry way and 200 faucets for the bathroom with 9 days left to complete the crossover. And with the living room taking 3 days to upgrade, I honestly don’t see myself being able to accomplish that without having to pay for the items so I’ve kinda lost both motivation and interest for the game :’)