LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🥳 There's a Party in Single City! 🥳

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 22, 2022.


    The Single City Cross over event ran from October 12, 2022 to November 12, 2022 and is no longer active.



    A Quick update! We have adjusted the requirements to achieve the various tiers of rewards. It is now even easier to earn each reward tier before the end of the event! 🤩


    Do you want to earn some amazing, never-seen-before super exclusive rewards? Well then download our latest game, Single City!


    1. Upgrading your Living Room to at least Level 3.

    Once you reach Living Room Level 3, a STORY QUEST will automatically pop up featuring Gigi – the face of Single City! Gigi will ask you which game you'll want to receive your rewards in.

    We're assuming that if you're reading this, you play PIMD and therefore, would like to earn PIMD rewards. So go ahead and tap on 'Party in My Dorm'.


    2. Signing into your ATA ID both PIMD and Single City.

    You MUST have an ATA ID connected to both PIMD and Single City to earn rewards. Make sure it's the exact same ATA ID!





    Where can I download Single City?
    Here are some quick links to get you started!


    I already have a Single City account – can I use that for this event?
    Yes! You will not need to make a new account to be eligible for rewards. You will be granted rewards (once the appropriate requirements are met) retroactively. Nobody is getting left out!

    How do I start a new account if I already have one?
    To disconnect your old account and start a new account, please send in a ticket to the Single City support team and they’ll start you off with a new account!

    Do I need an ATA ID to participate?
    Absolutely! Yes! A thousand times, yes! Be sure both your Single City and PIMD accounts are connected with the same ATA ID.

    How long do we have to earn these singularly cool rewards?
    This event officially begins at 1 PM Pacific Time on October 12th and will end at 1 PM Pacific Time on November 12th.

    I reached [insert Living Room level here] – why aren’t my rewards in my PIMD account yet?!

    First, make sure your Single City and PIMD accounts are connected with the same ATA ID. That’s how we’ll know which PIMD account to give rewards to!

    Next, make sure your Living Room is at least Level 3 so you would have been able to start the Single City Crossover quest. Ensure you have chosen Party in My Dorm as your game you'd like to receive rewards in!

    If all that is good and still no rewards, make sure you have talked to Gigi and completed the dialogue in the latest stage of your Crossover story quest.

    Finally, we will be distributing rewards every TWO HOURS 1 HOUR starting at 1:30 PM PDT today! If you haven't logged into PIMD in two hours, you will receive your rewards the next time rewards are being given out (every two hours) 🙌
    #1 ATAClaptrap, Sep 22, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2025
    Muschi, Wytchie420_, C4ITLIN and 37 others like this.
  2. Oh ! Excellent
  3. ayoooo linked my acc so i’m ready
    Detention and Gossamer like this.
  4. this is big slay hehe im glad i started playing last week!!
  5. Top tier rewards seem way too good,so i guess they wont be reachable for F2P players.
    My prediction: if you grind you can reach lvl 18 without spending money on game.
  6. I'm never gonna get past living room 18 💀
    -P_M-Juss_Swagg and ToucanJan like this.
  7. I'm currently lvl 12, I wonder if lvl 18 is even reachable.. it took over a day to upgrade the room.
  8. Finally!!!
  9. Freemium players gonna have to grind 💀💀
  10. I guess im only likely to get to 14 if that lol-

    Its not a bad game ata just not well thought out on rewards and the requirements to get them.. plus the rewards you get in single city don’t help much :/ how am i supposed to upgrade and upgrade if completing the quests in that game require more effort than not.

    F2P players have it rough for this event ATA..

    btw this my opinion and if anyone decides to make a smart remark about it im just gonna ignore it.
  11. If that’s the case I’m straight up deleting the game lol. What kinda reward system is this.
  12. Erm..ok
    xX-Nintendo-Xx likes this.
  13. Those avis are old school.
    -Atlantis- likes this.
  14. The avis are wrong the one at level 18 is the one you get at level 10. Cause I'm at level 10 and I just got the blonde girl
    Muqadir, Gossamer and CosmicBlues like this.
  15. The Fem avi you get for the level 10 upgrade isn’t the one you’re showing in the picture.
  16. I also just had this happen, I think it’s a mistake
    Jadey, Gossamer and CosmicBlues like this.
  17. THIS :(
  18. If anyone gets those crates, holla at me.
    Graey likes this.
  19. FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for this event! Good thing I get paid in the middle of it so I can speed up getting these rewards 🥹
    Spoiled and Graey like this.
  20. What is F2P mean?