[CONTEST]Haunting Party

Discussion in 'Contests' started by QUINN, Oct 8, 2022.

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  1. [​IMG][​IMG]

    The What's

    Here are some of the things you can do to join:​
    • Create an eerie club description
    • Make spooky titles/tags
    • Dress up in scary avatars
    • Bonus point if you can incorporate your club name to theme!
      NOTE: Name changes (IGN or Club Name) will not be allowed to be fair to everyone

    The Who's

    • POTD/PPOTD clubs with a minimum of 20 actively partying members at any given time.
    • Session clubs with a minimum of 40 actively partying members at any given time.

    The How's

    1. Nominate a representative of your club.

    2. The representative will be the one to post your club's entry in the contest and receive the prizes.

    3. Read the rules carefully!

    4. Design your club!

    5. Create an entry with the below format:
    6. Keep your design until the announcement of winners.​

    The Rules

    1. A club can only participate once.

    2. POTD/PPOTD club has to have at least 20 active members hitting parties in the last 30 days.

    3. Session club has to have at least 40 active members hitting parties. Only session clubs that have been actively partying in at least 30 days can join in.

    4. Only club-nominated representatives can submit an entry.

    5. Place ❌ on the titles of members not participating.

    6. Name changes (IGN and club name) are not allowed to be fair to everyone.

    7. Participant clubs can only use one of their accounts to participate (main OR alt).

    8. Keep your designs intact until the end of the contest. We understand that there will be hoppers participating, but please ensure that they will be indicated as participants each time they come back.

    9. Plagiarism is a big no-no. Keep designs original. Inspirations are fine, but ensure they will not be traced back to the original.

    10. Keep the designs within the ToU and CoC of the game. We will automatically disqualify any entries that have a violation, even if it's just one of its participating members.​

    The When's

    Deadline for entries:
    Announcement of winners

    The Prizes


    The Judges

    #1 QUINN, Oct 8, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2022
    DaddysHigh, Sherilyn, Debt and 16 others like this.
  2. 🎃FAQ's🎃

    How can I participate?
    First, you got to be a member of a club that will be joining. Next, you can ask the admins on what you can contribute to the club. Lastly, do your best to make the club entry amazing!

    Can I still participate even if I'm alone?
    No, and we're sorry about that. This is a club contest, so only clubs can participate.

    I am not a member of any club. How can I participate?
    You can join any club that's participating! POTD/PPOTD or Session clubs can submit an entry so take your pick!

    We want to join the contest but we don't meet the minimum number of members required. How can we participate?
    You can recruit members! Now is a good time to recruit more active members!

    We are barely a new club. Can we still join in?
    You can join if you have been actively and successfully partying (completing parties) for the last 30 days. We will be able to check the history. As much as we want to accommodate everyone, we wanted established clubs to participate.

    There are only 3 crates for the winners and 1 crate for mods' personal picks. How can we give that to our members?
    Totally up to you on how you're gonna distribute! We will leave it up to the nominated club representatives to give individual prizes.

    Who can we nominate as our club representative?
    Totally up to you! They can be the president, VP, Exec, or just a member! As long as they are in the club majority of the time, then they can be the representative. Just note that only ONE representative can represent your club.

    How does the checking work? Does the 20/40 people need to sit in the club the entire event duration?
    We'll check the parties and of course, entries need to provide the number of participants. They DO NOT need to be in the club all the time! We know for session clubs, there are lots of people hopping from club to club. We would not stop participants from hopping, just make sure that if ever they are hopping during the judging, their tags will be updated!

    Do people with GP need to be IN the club the entire event duration to count?
    No, people in GP don't need to be in the club all the time! They can participate and we can confirm through the member list too!

    "Session clubs with 40 actively hitting members at any given time" and "Session club has to have at least 40 active members hitting parties"

    Does that mean that if a session club does not reach 40 members hitting the party in 1 party history/log, they're automatically ineligible for this contest? Or does it count 40 members hitting parties actively within the last 30 days to count as "active members hitting party"?

    No, not necessarily. What we meant is that 40 actively hitting parties, and 40 active members can be scattered throughout the day. Same goes for POTD/PPOTD clubs.

    Our club history log shows just roughly 3 days/60 parties so not sure if we have to send tickets separately to review those members who we know hit and all within 30 days?
    No need! I, myself, can pull out as far as 60 days so you don't have to worry about the party history!

    What determines how they participate?
    That is totally up to you on how you would want your club members to participate! You can go with avatars or tags or go beyond that!

    Rule number 9, is this about not copying each other? Not copying a wall design off of google for example and actually designing it yourself?

    Copying each other (I assume that you mean copying each other's club wall) would count as plagiarism, especially if it's too alike. We would play that by ear though. What we mean in Rule 9 is a direct copy. Taking something off the internet and making it your own (like putting different elements together to make a new element), I would count it as original.

    Would it be allowed to use a movie as the theme, if it compliments the club name?
    This sounds like a great idea!

    Are clubs checked directly after submission or at the deadline of submission? Because I automatically assumed it would be at the deadline of submission.
    Checking would be done after the deadline. You can submit early, and we note of your entry but checking out what you have designed will be done after the deadline.
    #2 QUINN, Oct 8, 2022
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2022
    Debt, EL-Dorado, -Beby and 2 others like this.
  3. EXCITEDD😍 good luck clubbies!❤️‍🔥
    Stina, Nerd and QUINN like this.
  4. Exciting! Good luck to everyone 💕
    QUINN likes this.
  5. Interesting
  6. Q: How does the checking work? Does the 20/40 people need to sit in the club the entire event duration?

    Q: Do people with GP need to be IN the club the entire event duration to count?
  7. Also, "Session clubs with 40 actively hitting members at any given time" and "Session club has to have at least 40 active members hitting parties"

    Does that mean that if a session club does not reach 40 members hitting the party in 1 party history/log, they're automatically ineligible for this contest? Or does it count 40 members hitting parties actively within the last 30 days to count as "active members hitting party"?

    Ps. Our club history log shows just roughly 3 days/60 parties so not sure if we have to send tickets separately to review those members who we know hit and all within 30 days?
  8. How does the checking work? Does the 20/40 people need to sit in the club the entire event duration?
    We'll check the parties and of course, entries need to provide the number of participants. They DO NOT need to be in the club all the time! We know for session clubs, there are lots of people hopping from club to club. We would not stop participants from hopping, just make sure that if ever they are hopping during the judging, their tags will be updated!

    Do people with GP need to be IN the club the entire event duration to count?
    No, people in GP don't need to be in the club all the time! They can participate and we can confirm through the member list too!
    Immortal likes this.
  9. "Session clubs with 40 actively hitting members at any given time" and "Session club has to have at least 40 active members hitting parties"

    Does that mean that if a session club does not reach 40 members hitting the party in 1 party history/log, they're automatically ineligible for this contest? Or does it count 40 members hitting parties actively within the last 30 days to count as "active members hitting party"?

    No, not necessarily. What we meant is that 40 actively hitting parties, and 40 active members can be scattered throughout the day. Same goes for POTD/PPOTD clubs.

    Our club history log shows just roughly 3 days/60 parties so not sure if we have to send tickets separately to review those members who we know hit and all within 30 days?
    No need! I, myself, can pull out as far as 60 days so you don't have to worry about the party history!
    Immortal likes this.
  10. I'm interested! Any ECs club pls wall me, i can cn and have spooky avis too 😶‍🌫️
  11. name changes are not allowed to be fair for this contest💗
    good luck!
    LeeJarrett and QUINN like this.
  12. I'm a little confused on member participation, what determines how they participate? Cause id like to submit my club as is since we're spoopy year-round and just make a club announcement to encourage members to wear their spooky avis.

    Would this be okay? Or is there more required that will need to be communicated with individual messages to each member?
  13. This is a great idea and all but the prizes don’t seem to be fair.

    At least 20-40 participants per club? 3 prizes, the club prizes being 3 mod crates in total? And you say we’re supposed to figure out how to divide it amongst ourselves to make it fair for each participant. Not to mention that all of the judges are mods and each mod is given at least 40 crates…

    So basically y’all just want to give us crates we would have to sell or either open them and sell the items we get so each participant can have a fair amount of “prize bentos”…

    yeah no thanks, I don’t think this was thought through very well.
    Euphoria and Gag like this.
  14. I disagree. You can either sell the prize for bentos and buy ec parties for the club or raffle it off to members through a random name/number generator. I'm sure there's more ideas on how to distribute the prize amongst a club in a very fair way. This is a fun contest thats going to bring clubbies together **and** you might win something in the process. I think its a great idea and I'm excited to see what everyone cooks up for it.
  15. Ec clubs participating, wmb pls.
  16. I highly dout you will be dropped if someone misses a party. Time zones exist and people get busy. No one is on here 24/7
  17. What determines how they participate?
    That is totally up to you on how you would want your club members to participate! You can go with avatars or tags or go beyond that!
    Witchee likes this.
  18. Where do we enter? Right here?
  19. Yes! Just post your entry here!
  20. while I will admit that selling the items/crates to pay for ec parties is a good idea for P/POTD, EC clubs are already paying for things like that. And with a raffle that is still unfair. Now you want to double the chances of giving something, mostly not giving, to each participant?

    You have them complete in the first contest to then compete for the rightful winnings they earned in the second contest? How is that fair?
    Gag likes this.
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