World Egg Day Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by renamed52415, Sep 30, 2022.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Greetings, welcome to the third egg contest! Let’s celebrate world egg day together by decorating some eggs.
    In this contest you will be decorating your own egg and creating a short backstory for your egg. Ex) An entirely blue egg that is set upon world destruction! Get creative, and have some fun.

    - Your submission must include a picture of your egg and your handwritten IGN on a piece of paper. The backstory can be typed in your reply or written on paper, your choice.
    - Anything on paper must be in one clear photo.
    - All igns must be visible.
    - All submissions must be posted on this thread before or on the due date. Late submissions will not be entered into the contest.
    - No hateful backstories, designs, etc.
    - All submissions not following the rules will be disqualified.
    - Egg reserves all rights to remove any submissions from the contest.

    How to upload pictures
    1) Download imgur
    2) Upload your entry to imgur
    3) Once posted, hold down on your post until a pop up appears.
    4) Click, “Copy post link.”
    5) In your forums reply section, click the landscape/image button. 6) Paste your link, make sure it ends in, “.jpg” then press inserts
    If anyone is confused on how to use Imgur, please contact Egg.

    October 14th 12PM EST

    1st) 2 Dog Session at Tyche, 20mcs, and one mod create from IGN Passionate.
    2nd) 2 Dog Session at Tyche and 15mcs.
    3rd) 2 Dog Session at Tyche and 10mcs.
    (The sessions at Tyche may have to be waitlisted!)
    Any entires submitted will receive a small egg item.

    - Egg
    - itsGV
    - The-Guy
    - Hoella
    - Passionate
    - Loch_Ness_Monster
    - iHateFeet

    Disclaimer: Just like our previous contests, we have tried and will continue to try to keep any bias out of the selection of winners. If there are any concerns with this contest, please contact Egg.

    As always, a special thanks to my amazing judges and our promotional team. You all give so much time to this, I adore you guys!

    PS. I love you trin
    Art, Goat, -Atlantis- and 12 others like this.
  2. The two dog session can be at other clubs if needed!
    As for the design, please design a the shell of the egg. So yes, the egg has to be cooked.
  3. For the backstory)
    Act like your egg has had a life! Another example could be, An egg with a smiley face emoji on it, it is always smiling so no sees it upset! Your backstory can be as short or as long as you’d like.
  4. Omo another EGGvent? 🤩🫶🏻 looking forward to see the entries! 💛
    WICKED_MOMO, Delight and renamed52415 like this.
  5. Best of luck to all entries! 🥹 excited to see what y’all scramble up 😉
  6. Veryyy eggcited to see this again. Good luck to all 🎉🥚
    WICKED_MOMO and renamed52415 like this.
  7. Consider this thread stickied. My EGGSpectations for this contest are very high!
    -M3L0DY-, iPad, Luminaris and 10 others like this.
  8. [​IMG]
    Nidorina, MoJoJo7, Bananya and 18 others like this.
  9. Wow 🤩 I love this egg contest especially with all the gudetama pics. Maybe I’ll enter later when I was at the supermarket xD
  10. I want to participate but I usually cook the eggs and it’s just regular like not sure how to decorate it lol
  11. So does it have to be a whole egg or can it be like scrambled?
  12. One last question, can it be a character that already exists like a Pokémon for example?
  13. [​IMG]
    Title: Killer Queen
    Story: This egg is a queen by day, warrior at night. Her main goal in life is to protect her people and stand up to injustice. She just wants to live a life of good and to honor her family.
  14. You boil the eggs and decorate the shell.
  15. Well, since you have to make a backstory up- it’s up to you
  16. Hopefully same energy (and ATA support) for Juneteenth contests.
  17. Can’t wait to see those!
    Guy likes this.
  18. So adorable!
    WICKED_MOMO likes this.
  19. Sankyu 🧡
  20. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Hi! Peggu is my name and I'm eggstatic to meet you!

    Today is my birthday and I'm eggcited to throw my very first birthday party!🎊🎂

    Your invited! yes you👐, the one reading this have an eggcelent day ahead! :D
    MoJoJo7, Bananya, Atlas and 8 others like this.
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