Improved War

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by LaraBoo, Sep 28, 2022.

  1. I would like to suggest to have some kind of a special War Peace Tag for the duration of war.

    As long as you hit the roster of the other team you don’t receive outside hits.
    Something like a 30min window that needs to be refreshed by hitting the other team.
    To make it less likely to abuse the war PT for sfw I would suggest that as participate you cannot hit people outside for the whole duration of war.

    oh and a “tut lock” maybe? Like nobody can take ya tuts as long as you actively hit the other team?

    Thoughts? ✋🏻🤓💕
    Nemy, TYARA and -Tina like this.
  2. Nahh if you wanna keep your tuts then over price them
  3. And also nahh tbh. Coz that then effects people who do pvp as part of their game and are all farming. Theres no way to make everyone happy with this. And when wars are a rare ocurance i dont think anything will be added for them tbh
  4. Oh it’s not for long just for the duration of the war so u don’t have plenty of money out.
  5. People will abuse this.

    A bunch of noobs alts will hold clubs and always have open wars going on. People will park in one to sleep every night in sfws.

    I give no supports
  6. Idk how familiar you are with war arena.
    People who are in war can use peace tag to prevent outside hits and can stil hit or be hit from people who are already in war. What she meant with this suggestion is make that "peace tag for wars" default so people dont need to waste their own pt.
    And also wars are hosted at least once per month, they arent that rare event as you say.
    Nemy and LaraBoo like this.
  7. Yes, that’s why I added the „refresh“ so if u want the protection you need to hit the roster all 15-30min so you are active.
    No parking 👍🏻
    Nemy likes this.
  8. But if you're online to hit the war then why can't you replace your tuts?
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  9. You usually cannot hire back since you join war with no money and taking new tut from market can cause than again hits from the former pup.
    It would be nice if war would be more controlled activity!
    There’s no misc or drop to win anyway and less outside drama would help keeping the motivation high.
    Nemy likes this.
  10. You should op your tuts before a war if you're afraid to lose them and hire from the market.

    I just don't see any good from this
  11. I 100% support Lara's suggestion it was just a rough idea to make it more comfortable to war n enjoy.We can always make adjustments to make things more fair but I like the overall idea. 🥳💚
    LaraBoo likes this.
  12. People will hire op tuts too if needed and trying to hurt the war. As i Said it’s not just sitting I would suggest to only gr
  13. Then track them for a couple days and strip them in their sleep 🤷

    You can't just hold the tut market hostage because you're in a war.

    Here's another example of how this would be abused. A huge account could sit in a noob wars, and amass a huge TB of up tuts just for leaderboard clout. That's not very fair or fun at all.
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.
  14. No support.peace tags are relatively new. Learn how to protect ur money n tuts. I get ur frustration but it's part of the game.
    V_Witchy_101 likes this.