The point of leaderboard is to give paying players something extra that others cant get. They deserve more things coz they are spending real money on the game. Coz if free players can get the same things anyway then its a waste of money
A safer way to trade ec gifts for example simila to the rs gifts being in s certain place where 2 friends can trade bentos for the ec gift, the trade wouldnonly be able to happen if the person has ec to send
Buyer beware. Only buy from people you trust. Dont believe yhe trusted trader shit on peoples walls coz 90% of the time its scammers fooling noobs
Hmm I've been thinking this for a while and I know this will take like some effort, but the game could have like an inbuilt trading option where players could list their item for a said price for others to buy for bentos. While this sounds completely for the f2p players, this could take buying and selling to another level. Like if you're interested buy, if no one buys for 24hrs that item is back to the owner. And like listing items could be like 5ec or 10ec so in a way the game earns as well.
More like a marketplace rather than trading, used the wrong word 🦊 I could refine this idea a little more but how does this sound, too farfetched ??
I'm gonna add this to the list... A POWER SAVER MODE I mean come on, this game should NOT suck up this much power, I've played full on games on my phone and they don't take NEARLY as much power, like wth 😭
old shards literally don't do anything and it sucks because most of the avis are decent! you can't even activate them due to the specific activators not being available anymore BUT you can still open the shard boxes?? how does that make sense? imagine opening a shard box for 149 ecs and not being able to do anything about it. so why not let the avatars sit in the avatar shop, and let the people who have the items buy them? bc if not it literally feels like a scam to let players open shard boxes that they can't even activate
unfortunately not all of them! boxes like summer solstice, pearl essence, fall equinox, valerie's secret only state "open this box for 149 EC to earn at least 800 Valerie's secret avatar shards!" even though they are relatively new. older boxes like demon's eye, easter eden, for my valentine all say the same thing
I said many not all. But thats why you check if shards still combine or not before doing anything. Ata does always say in their posts if a box set is limited time
yea sure, that's why i said "unfortunately not all in the first place" as well 😊 yes they do show when is it available till on their posts but isn't it better to make it not open anymore if it's past that date if there is nothing to do with them anymore? plus it's just a suggestion anyway lol bc people who already have the shard boxes sitting in their showcase can actually do smth about it if they implement it
when the instructions on the box are simply "to open the box" and it is still allowed to be opened, it should not be expected of the user to go into the forum to check if its still able to be combined. thats just not good design and you cant argue on that. if you do youre lying to yourself honestly. simply put, if the feature is no longer there, then remove it totally.
I mean i 100% agree a lock should be put on old boxes. But there are also these shards out and about that exist in peoples showcases. With people who actively sell these shards to players who dont check things 1st for easy chibis/bentos. So regardless of what ata does with boxes....people do still need to get into a habit of checking shards can still be combined before buying them or risk being scammed
its kinda wild to compare ata & scammers like so you agree? its a scam? anw its slightly different considering ata created it and scammers are taking advantage of the flaws of it. but regardless, all of this can be easily fixed if there were proper descriptions in the shards + boxes imo instead of putting the onus on the users to check the forum everytime. and for the boxes that werent explicitly mentioned were limited, to have the avatars in the shop to purchase with shards. bc its just fairer that way? like doesnt that just resolve everyones issues? but we can only say so much if ata doesnt want to do anything about it anw
I think... they should put the ability to see how many trades you have made... You know at the bottom where it says how many jobs... or the hits and stuff? Just a number, to see if your experienced... or not. You know? Also, I think they should make a place... where you can post your item from your inventory... just like... not a forum, but... like a shop! For players to sell there stuff more.... better and without having to trade if they can't find a buyer... Yea a shop, and then it send the chibis/bentos to them (the shop be used for chibis and bentos) but, they can click accept, decline or counter (to add more or less) which sends them the notification back to accept, decline or offer. Also I want more space put on my status message lol... or more space on my pet name... Tryed to type happy spooky month for my pet, but I couldn't use spaces because I ran out of space lmao 😆 anyways.... yea!