Recommendations for ATA to Include in the Game.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Basically_just_bored_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. I don't know if it's can work...but I wanna have an option that can pinned a post to wall. Also, the option can see club announcement in notification instead of checking club announcement all the time. If these will work these will be useful, I guess. 😗
    -HarLey_QuiNn- and iAriel like this.
  2. If you are referring to have / to want notifications as on your device for club announcement, the player must have put notifications on to do so. Otherwise, they will never receive club announcement as notification of notifications for this game is off & must be in the club to receive it, if gold pass and out of the club, they will never receive it.

    Do you mean personal wall (like a player’s wall or club wall) ?
    Hopefully, you will be able to clarify your ideas â˜ș
  3. Like, if party started it shows in Game Notification...I want notif to be read the club announcement in there, not only on Notification thru phone. Seriously, not all people taking time reading club wall, they all just hit parties.

    Also, personal wall. Like if you want to announce something on wall no need to delete any or post another just to announce again in wall.

    Hopefully I made it clear. â˜șïžđŸ’™
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  4. *not all people taking time reading club announcement
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  5. Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. It is a lot clearer â˜ș
    DON_TIPAKLONG likes this.
  6. LMAO. it’s a dog club. Ofc we have a lot hopping.
  7. I got 1 more recommendation, I guess not only me complaining spinner. I want the option, like when you hold spin it will spin automatically until you hold it again to stop. đŸ„ș
  8. You can scroll on the spinner before you tap spin to get it to start from a different spot. The reason this idea wont happen is coz people will use it to land on x3 cat every time. Which is bad coz then prices of cats will plumet likely even lower then kinis.

    Some things need to be hard to get coz otherwise the game becomes pointless coz everything is to easy
    DON_TIPAKLONG likes this.
  9. A system to device and IP ban these rp and reseller bots.

    Not enough is being done and, even after reaching out to developers, it seems they don’t care enough to improve the player experience as a whole.

    Something will only really be done if the players ask for it in force.
  10. cat payout and drop is higher, and kini is never 50% or otherwise promo bonused - so that doesn’t make any sense lol
  11. Its not that they dont care. They just literally cant be stopped. Ata bans literally thousands of accounts every month. They cant ip ban anymore coz vpn exists which gets people around ip bans.

    For every acc ata ban, the scammers and black market traders make another 100 to replace it. Pritty much.

    The only way to stop online scammers is to delete the internet from existence. But thats never going to happen. But even that will never stop scammers competely coz people still scam irl as well
    Lite likes this.
  12. It does make sense. Its not hard to get a fuck load of spins. For example i have almost 400 spins at the moment. If i stopped on the x3 cat every time i would have ovr 1k cats. If everyone did the same there would be such a mass supply of cats that they would become worthless coz of being insanely easy to get alot of them with little effort. People would no longer buy cats coz of how easy it would be to get on own
    Debt likes this.
  13. Because that would help club admins to know when their members are active and not hitting parties
  14. saying “it doesn’t work” is a cuck way of getting around it

    find something that works so we can ban these scammers and resellers and bots permanently instead of pretending it doesn’t exist
    C4ITLIN likes this.
  15. I would like to have a system where changes to the club wall show up as a notification. Something like “So-and-so updated the club wall”

    That way, all club members will be notified of any changes made to their club’s rules, since a lot of the time if you post it in your club banner, it might be updated several times over the course of one day, and members in different time zones only get notified of the most recent update.
    C4ITLIN likes this.
  16. A user with the names Moonknight20 and rude-awakening has been harassing my daughter for a week. Pleaae so something to end this user's creepy behavior. I have screenshots of him harassing 6 different users. Please put an end to this. I will keep finding ways to contact you until this is resolved. Good day.
  17. Plot twist jellypeanutfish and mooncrap are the same person.
  18. There is literally no way to stop them completely apart from finding them and killing each and every one of them as they come up. Being realistic is not pretending the issue doesnt exist. The realistic thing is what ata is doing atm. And also for people to learn internet safety and learn common sense to avoid being scammed
    -BlueberryCat- likes this.
  19. The only way to contact ata directly is via a help ticket. But teach your daughter internet safety. The block button exists for a reason. And pvp is not harassment its part of the game
  20. Ohmygawsh guys guys guys girls guys!

    WHAT IF... there were..was... what if seasonal bento?! Like Halloween bento
    10 vampire chibis
    10 werewolf chibis
    10 mummy chibis
    10 phantom chibis
    Makes 1 spoopy bento!

    10 elf chibis
    10 sugar plum fairy chibis
    10 reindeer chibis
    10 naughty list chibis
    Makes 1 gift wrapped bento!

    Then just retire the Maeve maybe?
    -BlueberryCat- and -Adaley- like this.