Then I start to break up... Anyways, hmm... What was I about to say again? yeah, life's weird dude. The more I grow old, the more I realise how dumb I have been most of my life. Not just in terms of intellect, while that is always there. Our body is an ever deteriorating and failing machine and we keep chasing after money and think we'll enjoy life once we have enough money or once we can finally retire. By then, you'll either be dead or will be just a husk of your former self. All the money and achievements become useless at some point. You could become a multi billionaire and ruin your body and try to achieve some grand goals but if you're not enjoying the life, someday you won't be able to enjoy it anyways and people will forget you too. Nothing's really worth it if you can't focus on the small little happiness you can get no matter what it is. Like for me it's traveling, if you want to travel, travel now. Save those vacations up and leave to some random country and enjoy for 2 weeks instead of thinking of doing a world tour later in life. There's a big fear of missing out in all of us but ironically we keep missing out of real treasures in the pursuit of more and more money. ~ Note: Not applicable for people living from paycheck to paycheck, it's something we should think about when we have a decent amount of money but keep running after more and more.
I watch a british show called rich house poor house sometimes. Seeing it helped me learn that yehh. Money gives alot more opportunities. But can still have a really happy life even if living paycheck to paycheck. Coz theres loads of free stuff thats fun
The greatest pleasure in adult life is a sale on your favorite grocery items. You cannot convince me otherwise. The joy of saving money AND stocking up on your favorite foods is unmatched.