Pink Tax in PIMD

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by HeartlessButterfly, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. it's sad that women needs to pay more for the stuff that targetted us like avi shards. I don't understand why the need to charge us extras just because we are females? I don't believe female shards are rarer than male shards or if that's the case then I hope ATA do something about it.
    Red roses cost way more than the blue.
    Black and Pink roses, Peahens, Deer Skulls the list could go on and on all are pricier than their male counterpart.

    Idk what I'm even ranting here but yeah pls stop the pink tax 🤧
  2. ATA doesn’t set the prices for shards at all, the community does. Any cuter avatar will most likely cost more than its counter simply because there’s a bigger demand for it. It’s just the economy bb.

    It’s the same as how lover and death tarot shards cost more than the rest of the shards.
  3. The female avis tend to be drawn and designed better. So more people want them. So people set the prices higher. Ata have nothing to do with what the market set the price as
    Jordy likes this.
  4. Supply and demand. Simple enough
    Justin likes this.
  5. ^ what they said. Also the pimd player base is mostly female apparently, so those avis are in higher demand. It happens with furniture sets/stats too. Cuter things cost more, jus the way it is
    Rosalia and Day like this.
  6. By the way, im selling instant tarot avi 😆