CONTEST WINNERS Winners of the Masquerade Raffle! 🎭

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAClaptrap, Jun 2, 2022.

  1. Coool. .Bought 12 tickets, didnt receive Anything. Nice scam.ATA
  2. Congrats to all winners!

    I think it’ll make me feel better if ATA used raffles as a partnership type thing, for example: using the money to donate to charities or small organizations and businesses in their area. Basically, like not having just a random raffle to make people keep spending and get close to nothing. At least if I do get nothing, my money spent would be going to beneficial organizations as donations. 😅
    nixi3, B8, -SCF-Aileen and 37 others like this.
  3. This ^ 💯!!!!
    Luminaris, Hooters, Cute and 2 others like this.
  4. They haven’t sent out all the prizes yet love just be patient🫶💕
    Seductive likes this.
  5. Ppl stop complaining. Ata said you would get a raffle box at least if you got 12 and they said a few hrs to send out. Everyone else RAFFLES ARE RISKY. Not everyone wins just like the lottery. That’s all. Congrats to the winners. 🫶
  6. Definitely for the pride thing they are donating and giving stat items
  7. Will ATA post when all the prizes are given out just so we know if we didn’t win?
  8. I just wanted to say congrats to everyone who won
  9. 😍 I hope that is my account name on #2 Prize
  10. Nope, it's mine
    No-One likes this.
  11. 😮 it's been .. 2hrs
  12. probably we will wait more, but hope not 😔
  13. They’re already posted
  14. I'm concerned with the amount of people who don't seem to read the actual forum post 💀

    Be patient, took them nearly 6 hours to deal out all the prizes for the last raffle.11k is a lot of accounts 🗿

    If you don't get it by changeover tomorrow-- it's safe to say you didn't win anything.

    Congro to the grand prize winners and future 11k winners <3
    Myra, Nidalee, Cute and 10 others like this.
  15. Congrats to winners but be patient they got 11 accounts to gift and sort out so calm down
  16. 11k accounts
    11k accounts
  17. Congrats to the major prize winners!! These raffles are so fun.
  18. I mean like the other 11k people who won
  19. Congratulations to all the winners🥰🥰
  20. Well that was underwhelming