Recommendations for ATA to Include in the Game.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Basically_just_bored_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Here are some things I would love to see PIMD expand into (may add to the list as I read some great ideas from others on tjos thread):

    ▪︎ More rooms. Even if purchasable as dormmates are. A fun goal to have, imo.
    ▪︎ Tradeable avas to a degree. Maybe an event where one ava or so is chosen from one's items to be tradeable just for the event and certain goals need to be met or some such thing or other.
    ▪︎ Customizable /profiles/. A way to change color scheme. Maybe a section somewhere where one could add a little more information outside of status bubble. Even if something like a way to show what you are all about here on PIMD. Whether you RP or not, for example. I'm up for purchasable customizations for profile. Something reasonable but I enjoy such a goal. Tiers. Whatever. Themes. Etc. Permanent tags around/next to one's username for completing certain things or such. Maybe after certain hunts, etc.
    ▪︎ More chat channels. "Library," "Study Hall," "Cafe." Just as examples. But it doesn't even have to be themed that way. Maybe making getting to certain chat channels kind of like "walking" there in the sense that you get a rudimentary campus layout and need to click a long to get to that chat tab, if that makes sense. As static as the avas but a adding a little more depth. I personally love the simplicity of certain aspects of this app because where it is left for players to fill in the gaps has been working. More building blocks can't hurt. Would LOVE it.
    ▪︎ More activities for clubs to do besides party. Other ways for clubmates to interact with each other. More goals for clubs to achieve together. Definitely more club banners? I forget what they ate called in this moment. As opposed to only the beer cup and the 🔥, and the 🐈 or pizza or donut. Or the Dino. Just a some others, would be cool.
    ▪︎ More ways for players in general to interact with each other. Or more reason for players to interact with each other, even, rather.
    ▪︎ Maybe a reason to cash in hunt items at the end of a hunt. Maybe for points where one could spend on purchasing something else.
    ▪︎ Anyway! Those are some main things I have thought about over my time here!
    GreenGables, Rainie and Adore like this.
  2. Do you mean club pins ? Here you can view the suggestions of fellow players or suggested your own.
    Not many suggestions and not many see to interact to have new pin

    Do you know about the club activities (mini games ) ? Here

    These are two things I thought off while reading your post. If you mean something, feel more than free to correct me.

    Also in terms of interaction, I am not sure if you mean within your club for the club chat or you mean like other chat channel
    Or you mean things to discuss with your tutors
    • More rooms. Sure why not
    • Trade avis. Never gonna happen ata has already said no to this multiple times. Its not possible to add it to the game without remaking the entire game. Shard avis are the compromise.
    • Custom profiles. Sure why not. But it does sound like it would cause alot of lag.
    • More chat channels. Nahh we got enough. More chat channels means more tabs for mods to try flick between to keep people safe. People will always move to where the most people are. You also have group chats if you want big chats with certain people.
    • More activities. Support. It be boring as fuck sometimes.
    • Player interaction. I mean this is a social game theres already alot. Not bothered either way as long as it doesnt create insane lag.
    • Cash in items. No. They give you misc stats which helps defend you against attacks, and helps when you are hitting as well. But if you dont want them you can sell them for chibis/bentos and get things you do want. People are always buying stats.

  3. - About tradable avas: even if the already redeemed avas cannot be traded (which I'm cool with... I kind of like that system. Makes PIMD what it is, in part) I wonder if something like trading in am ava for another could be possible? Say, an ava you don't like, maybe you can trade it into the points or tickets or call it what you will in order to redeem something else. Another ava. An item. Something as such.
    - About custom profiles: I also thought of the possible lag. However, it is really something I wonder is possible because, for me personally, I think it would add a little personal oomph. For me, would slightly make up for not having customizable avas. Although, I have become really OK with that, anyway. Not a big deal. Part of PIMD. I like it well enough. Other customizable aspects would be 👌👌.
    - About chat channels: I can only speak for my personal experience, of course, and personal preferences... but I never ever use the tutor channel and even the seldom times I see messages in there, it can get a little confusing. Campus channel is more of a adverrisement hub. Which is useful and cool. Pub is a little too sexual for me for being a casual half of the chat channels. Which, whatever, is fine. Variety is cool. Life. Social app. Totally fine. I'd just like to see some kind of revamp here... maybe one more channel. Something that implies something a little not quite Pub. That's really all. Just another space where it's vibe is something else. How Campus and Pub are kind of different. The new channel could be kind of different. More friendly and not so thirsty. Anyway.
    - About player interaction: I mean somewhat literally. Like the activities mentioned. Right now we can fight or eavesdrop or trade. Love the trading system. But maybe something a little else. To do with activities. Spice up the hit interactions or the dating interactions. Just something that might add some depth. I don't have specific creative ideas at this moment but I should! And so I will think of some. I have before but have not written them down! Only recently thought to come to forum. Which only makes sense.
    - Cashing in items: soft suggestion, anyway. Although, I was not speaking of the misc items. I was thinking more of the drops per hunt. The stuff we get in the thousands that unlocks the items. Mostly because, honestly, some I think look kind of ugly in my showcase and nothing can be done about it. Or the number bothers me. Or the boxes you open later still drops them and that actually really irks me because then the number is false from the hunt already ended and I dunno, yada yada yada.
    Rainie likes this.
  4. Thanks for pointing me to these threads! Super helpful. I did mean pins, thank you! I will think of suggestions and offer them, then, there!

    As for the mini club activities, I have to say, I didn't really ever consider them club activities... I never thought of them that way. I've definitely seen people using them. Yes. Um. But kind of boring! Just in my personal opinion. Nothing against those at all. I just was thinking something a little more obviously-a-game-mechanic sort of thing. Something you don't always have to stay in CC for. Or easily mis such as when in CC. Something a little more like a party but... not a party. Um. Like... weekly events or daily events. Just for the club. You get notifications. You can see the status of whatever is going on. Maybe a monthly club goal separate to parties. Also maybe an actual club bank! Just as an aside.
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  5. Nahh ata has said a straight no to any kind of trading or recycling avis. All of it would require recoding to a point where they have to pritty much remake the entire game.

    Originally campus was the only public chat. Pub was added to get rp out of campus. Thats why its always full of sex n shit. Coz its where its directed to be. Its why its rated 18+. Its everyone else that decided they wanted to move general chat there as well. Was intended that general chat stays in campus but it didnt happen. I dont use tut chat either it confuses me. Even the drawing someone did for me didnt help me understand it.
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  6. Some already struggle to get the daily 2 lite box by completing parties
    And by notifications do you mean the ones in the bell as some turn off their notifications on their device

    There’s xc activities like the rate my room that you could encourage to do within the club.
    Sometimes there the club activity to collect certain stuff but this is limited time and it brings a lot of stress to clubs because they don’t often have the means (resources) to reach it.
  7. Hope you guys can consider having stickers about different animals like jungle theme or wild beasts. It can give more variety when we deliver messages to others.
    Halilah04 likes this.
  8. One thing I'd really appreciate would be a search function for gifting. (Like the one we have for trading). The ability to gift more than one of an item at a time would be awesome too.

    Search capability/tags for bb and spinner items would be handy as well.
  9. MOST COMMEN ISSUE Is,, ppl dnt open speed up booster boxs bcz it takes forever to open them,, can u just put a Open All Boxs option there so i wont be so annoying n time consuming for players .. Ty
    Ashtaroth likes this.
  10. So I was just thinking that maybe you should allow us to sell the slow jams back to the store and be credited the ecs if you don’t use slow jams, being in a cc we never use them so mine just sit there and I feel we should be able to get ecs back for them if there not being used 🥺 This would also be helpful for people that can’t always buy ecs like maybe setting a limit of how many slow jams you can sell back to the store a week, so say you can get 100ecs a week maximum x
  11. I dont see this happening. Theres already a bunch of ways to get free ec
  12. Many games have a "skip" button for their dumb storylines. I wish PIMD would implement this, instead of making us click through their stories. Many of us just don't care about these characters.
    HxrnyJail likes this.
  13. I don't know if anyone has said this, but how about having a log for clubs (other than club history) that shows the recent changes AND who had done so to the club wall or ca. We have a problem in our club where someone is changing our club wall to make it against TOS and overall offensive. We can't afford to just demote everyone, so it'd be nice to be able to see who is doing so without the hassle.
    Hope that made sense. Not sure if anyone else has had this problem 😅
    Along with the wall/ca, who is kicked and by who could also be implemented into the log.
  14. I agree, but I feel it should be something like Open x1, Open x10. I believe I read somewhere that say someone has 1k of those boxes added up, it would cause a lot of lag. They just need some other option other than 1 at a time.
  15. Not about to read all 15 pages, but I would LOVE it if the Avatar were able to move like the Sims game and we can customize the outfits as we like. And actually move around the Dorm tower and our room.
  16. It must be in your admins who have access to the club wall
    Like President/ VP / Exec / PJ
    for example
    So you don’t need to demote your full members into Guest.
    Usually, there is a gc for admin made and depending on the club practice (s). Those who kick are assigned by specific people to avoid mix - up and more clarity. This is an example.
    Bounceforcer/ VP and President can kick members of the club for example.
    Executive cannot kick members of the club.
    It really depends how transparent and communication between admins. This could help you while waiting if others are in a similar situation.
    Especially since logs have glitches in the past for admins
    And if admin is outside the club. They don’t receive any notifications (logs) of any changes. Not sure if those logs were for the president/ for the entire club members or just those who have been promote to a role as an admin of the club.
    Sadia14 likes this.
  17. Already said no to this. This isnt the sims or a barbie dress up game
    Lumi likes this.
  18. I never played with barbies, but they should consider it if ppl are constantly asking about, having the avatars move, even if you cant changed the clothes.
  19. People are also constantly asking to be able to trade avis. But ata also cant do that without pritty much completely scrapping this game and starting again.

    Sometimes theres more to it then they are saying no coz they just dont want to