Metaverse in, pimd go bust

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Disloyal, Apr 4, 2022.

  1. I think once metaverse picks up and ppl realize they can make their avatars fúck the roleplayers will leave pimd and the app will gradually die
  2. We get it, you wanna fuck your charger port
  3. I mean there are other apps where it’s more customizable and the sales + equivalence of Ec are just better. I’ve stopped purchasing on here because I play another game with events, create your own room to host games, tipping rooms, pageants, or just chill on the mic. They have a trading system, you can post on your own profile photos of whatever, in game or not. Monthly passes that give you free items for completing tasks with the option to buy premium for $5 even tho the amount of gold is SOO much more than just spending 5 on a box. It’s neat. Even have a separate NFT situation going on and a land aspect that is apart of the game but not incorporated into the full game.
    One of my fav aspects is that they hosts grab contests that the users vote one and you can have your design in a grab and earn cash from it. And the developers have a weekly hour session where they talk about what’s coming up, answer questions they set up the day before that you submit. The day after they leave a blog post to be caught up. They really connect with the community. I enjoy the money I spend more since I can literally giveaway gold (EC) to others just because I can since I love hosting giveaways on There. Much easier than on here lol
    I mainly come here during event breaks (which are 2-3 days long is that) to fill up time. But I’m pretty sure once I’m out of misc and bentos, I might just peace out unless something different keeps me here.
    Muschi likes this.
  4. I mean imvu + second life + VRchat and other stuff exist and people still will come here for their subpar roleplay so idk why metaverse would be something different
    Kefo, Alan, Alicia and 2 others like this.
  5. In a few months people will be earning money for fùcking virtually. You can't do that in imvu or whatever other app in existence
  6. Nft, land development, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Currently, I'm making a living off a game. Took a lil investment of $2k-2.5k but it's worth it
    Alicia likes this.
  7. So, did I thought years ago, isn't dead yet
  8. They do in VRchat lolllll
    Alan and DanaDangerous like this.
  9. Its not like the roleplayers are whats keeping pimd alive. You think they spend as much $ as the top 5,000 players have?
    Alan, V_Witchy_101 and Muschi like this.
  10. Why do I not know this. Wasted all these years in pimd smh
    Muschi likes this.
  11. The post was a joke. Chill
  12. I don't suppose ppl trade their misc for stuff on imvu?
  13. Probable if true, but the Metaverse will never happen
  14. What game is this? 🤣 DM me
  15. Metaverse is much more than just avatars fúcking. Get your mind out of the gutter you sick fúck. People are gonna be able to make a living from various metaverses.

    There's already weddings happening in metaverses and people are saving a lot of money
  16. Also, you need a computer to do stuff on metaverse, most of the roleplayers don't own one. But yes pimd is gonna die as someone will come up with some kinda web 3 game similar to pimd where people will be able to earn money