Trading avatars?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by itsRose, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. Is trading avatars with other players still a thing? Because I know about an year ago when I started to play this game it was still a thing or is that a thing of the past or is there an different way to trade avatars now the old way I remember is you requested another player to trade avatars with you or I am just missing a step
  2. wdym it was a thing 😀?? maybe u mean shard avis or sumn
  3. They probably mean avatar snapshots
    Muschi, Nerd and itsRose like this.
  4. Yup that's exactly what I meant
  5. I don't think there's ever been a time where you could trade completed avatars. There are multiple different types of shards, along with the newbie avatars you CAN trade, but not completed ones. I have had people wish that we could trade them tho, especially since there are avis a lot of people really don't like, and a lot of avis that people LOVE but came out long ago and aren't available for collecting anymore. I'd love to see avatars become trade able... Or maybe ATA can make an avatar shop? 🤔 There are usually six monthly avatars along with all the shards, but what if there was a specialty avatar shop like the furni shop where people could buy avis? And not for ridiculously expensive prices, hell I'm not spending $20 on an avatar, but have a special drop from parties that when you collect enough you can trade them in for avatars. Just random thoughts of mine, like or reply if you agree
    Roe, they and SheitsNnoGiggles like this.
  6. I’ve only been on 2yrs but I don’t remember tradeable avatars ever. Yeah there’s shards, vip items, and sometimes a giftable avi, but no never tradeable (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong). Also they’re giving us those coins for daily XC and random drop coins from monthly boxes. That’s fairly new. Agreed I don’t want to spend $20 on an avi, but I recognize they’re trying.

    I also don’t have a link, but this has been a topic many many times. ATA has always responded to this with - it’d be too crazy. As much as I want some old avis, I kinda agree. I can’t imagine the chaos, but maybe I’m underestimating our PIMD ppls.
  7. ATA said no
  8. I was here a year ago wut
  9. Only thing I can think of is the June pride month avis there was a "tradeable" version you could buy in the shop and then trade to another player. Like the story passes. But otherwise uh yeah never been a thing outside of shards/snapshots
  10. Trading avatars has never been a thing. But yes trading snapshots is still a part of the tutorial
  11. Yes you qre underestimating the pimd ppls. Shit would be even more mental then anyone can even imagine
  12. The way pimd is going, it might become a feature in the future. So, who knows?
  13. Nahh ata said no to this. It would need a entire recoding of how the game works. So they would pritty much have to completely remake the entire game. Shard avis is the compromise
    Gossamer, LeeJarrett and Muschi like this.
  14. No. And like no again. For the 60,000th time
    Muschi likes this.
  15. You missed a few 0s
  16. I think this is the one thing ATA has been pretty consistent on being firmly against.
  17. What they need to also do is let us pick whether we want male or female or both avatars, im sick of getting male avis that I literally never use.
    MissMochi and seeyourfate like this.
  18. For the 4739383y448393638472894th time its never gonna happen. You can do it with shard avis. But its not gonna happen with box avis. Coz whats the point in boxes at all if can just pick and choose what want. And then people arnt gonna keep opening boxes to try get what they want
    Gossamer likes this.