Goldfish Raffle Winner - Canis the Dog Familiar 499

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seriously, Mar 8, 2022.

  1. Players were assigned a number based on order of entry. Those numbers were then plugged into a random number generator to make a fair, unbiased choice for the winner.

    1.) @Luce
    2.) @Tiburon
    3.) @Arya
    4.) @Juanicorn
    5.) @AlcyBoobs
    6.) @Bowie_cat
    7.) @Geass
    8.) @lll_Jessica_Rabbit_lll
    9.) @FreckledKisses
    10.) @ZestyPanda
    11.) @Sextasy
    12.) @PaulGarcia
    13.) @SyKoBiT
    14.) @-LILY-
    15.) @Uncharted
    16.) @Luvmebp
    17.) @_Blackberry
    18.) @Unraveled
    19.) @Oriagano
    20.) @AlphaLunaQueen
    21.) @Insufferable
    22.) @Blushing
    23.) @Shady
    24.) @Extasy
    25.) @cindyytania
    26.) @-ThC-Glacies
    27.) @Chae
    28.) @Umbra_Rosa
    29.) @Kakashi
    30.) @HisDemi
    31.) @Memento
    32.) @Samantha9205
    33.) @Luna_Licht
    34.) @Astaroth
    35.) @KarmaKazi
    36.) @Caius_
    37.) @Sky-oWL
    38.) @_-duhduhduhhhh-_
    39.) @orencatto
    40.) @ZaacUwU
    41.) @Deuta
    42.) @JuneyG
    43.) @BrattyJerry
    44.) @FatallyNyx
    45.) @Angeli
    46.) @OsamuDazai
    47.) @eileen
    48.) @_HeIium_


    #8 @lll_Jessica_Rabbit_lll

    **If you did not post on the thread, your name was not added to the list.

    Congratulations! Thank you to everyone who participated! Stay tuned for the next raffle.

    If you would like raffle updates via wall posts, please wall me and I will make a list.

    Seriously 🤍
    Nerd likes this.
  2. Congrats winner! 🎉
  3. congrats! 💖
  4. Congrats on winning.