Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. which is worth more to hit in parties, money bars or non-money bars? i only know that u get money by hitting non-money bars after the party is finished but which bar is better? or are they both the same, just that money bar gives u instant drop. also noticed that non-money bars cost less str/int so u can hit them more in comparison to money bars.
  2. Hit both
  3. As you’ve said, non-money bars simply reward their cash plunder at the conclusion of the party. Money bars provide some portion of the plunder during party. Both give drops according to your total energy use, so as a result, it takes a different number of hits to obtain max drops depending on what bar (peace, sign, etc).

    I had a friend try to investigate why her friend lower stats than her was earning more per hit on money bars during party, and it came down to what type of build they each had as well as which specific dormmates(both players had invested enough in tuts to max plunder, so the issue wasn’t the need to bump/hire tuts). Essentially, you may even earn a different amount per hit on money bars as someone else with the same combined stats.

    This goes to a field outside of your question, but when you’re hitting an invite/tier party and see yourself starting to struggle with having successful hits, it helps to consider what type of bar you’re currently hitting. Money bars are associated with str, and non-money bars are associated with int. Equipping an avi, using attack items, and going on an attack date according to the stat involved boosts your chances of a successful hit.
  4. You can get them from the wheel or buy them for gems in the store.
  5. They auto regen now. 5 speakers per hour up to 25. Also the person you responded to is no longer on the game thats a deleted account back when you could delete accounts
  6. Damn lcbc used to be tier 4? We up to tier 11 now. I didnt even touch tier 4. Weird to think how it used to be the max
  7. That's what's exactly just happened to me. I posted some stuff on her wall too calling her out for threatening me and harassing me and getting a couple other people to do it with her
  8. Why? If this is what it's like, I'm deleting my account and never playing this again. Some people get really involved into the game and love it and then someone comes along and fucks them over. When someone really involved in the game starts losing their shit, it can affect their mentality. And I'm using myself as an example. If I played this when I was younger, I'd more than likely would want to kill myself. Blocking them should keep your account out of view of theirs and I think this is unacceptable cause I'll tell you right now, my mentality has gone down cause of this incident all because I'm trying to enjoy myself and play a fucking game. This is stupid and I wasted my time playing this. Enjoy all this bullying on your app
  9. Wow. Okay first things first, if you're experiencing mental issues, please take a break from this. You are correct that it can be mentally draining. Mental health always comes first, and I'm always available to listen. That goes for any of you 💙 believe me, i understand more than most, the tragedies that occur on this game. Secondly, blocking a person prevents them from contacting you or even seeing your posts in public channels. CFs (Cease fires) exist for you to work out the farming going on with that person. You do NOT have to CF. If you don't give the person anything they can't take anything but your cash. If you bank your cash or store it in gifts there's even less for them to take and possibly they move on from boredom. This game isn't for everyone and it's 17+ for a reason. Mental capacity to tolerate loss is one of them. Again if the person is excessively harassing you outside of TOU you can reach out for assistance through a help ticket. Much love and i sincerely hope you take care of yourself first before this game.
    Katelyness92, Meap and MizzRedd like this.
  10. Im sorry if this was asked before, search gave too many results....

    I see a lot of posts for an invite booking, how does that work? BBB or is it clubs that sell spots to ec parties?
  11. Invites are a premium party series. Works the same as any other ec club. Its generally run by cat and dog clubs
    Iriesa likes this.
  12. Noted, Thank you, Sir.
    Julcyfruit likes this.
  13. I have another question about sesh.
    What's advantages and disadvantages being perm on sesh club? Clear explanation. Thank you so much!
  14. really depends on the club tbh, just ask an admin for perm perks. generally: more parties per renewal, auto-renewals, maybe party freezes, custom perm tags, etc. uh disadvantages? well it is costly if you don't have the funds/drops for renewals, but if that's not a problem then there shouldn't be any disadvantages i think?
    Iriesa and Kc like this.
  15. Just a suggestion… but y’all should add a furniture store… with all the old hunts furni 🌚… js
  16. Ata doesnt look on here for game suggestions. But also there is. Tap on the furni spot in your dorm. The 1st tab is the store. Scroll down to see what all you can get
    Muschi and SaucySunshine like this.
  17. Add this acc to the farm list if that thread still exists. Im not coming back to this acc
  18. How do members get the champagne bottles next to their name? And what exactly does it mean? Example: 🍾name🍾.
  19. Is there a bbb banner thread?
  20. Yes there is try the search feature. It should come up