Petition: Full Members VS Guests

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by BadLittlePanda, Mar 1, 2022.


make GUEST the default club option

  1. yes


  1. the issue
    this is a petition to make guests the default option for people who join a club, or at least give clubs the option of deciding whether they would prefer full members or guests to be set as the default for new people who join a club.

    the reason
    the guest option is much better for club maintenance than the full member role, as it allows you to automatically drop members who are inactive beyond a certain period of time. if all new players who join are automatically set to guests, it gives club owners and admins less work when it comes to maintaining club member activity as a lot of clubs set all mercs who join to guests, and mercing is quite frequent with the amount of people constantly in search of last bar parties / LBH. people who only join as mercs will be automatically dropped after a given period without admin intervention, and those who choose to be permanent members will need to be moved into the full member position. I feel like this would be a very convenient feature for clubs and will not involve any drastic change to how clubs run.

    yeah or Nah?
  2. I don’t think it should be default. I think it should be a setting in club for default. Just like the “Kick after three days” thing. Good idea though. I like it.
  3. I like this idea. Each club should be able to choose the default
    SkulnstMaureen9 likes this.
  4. Just saying that for the moment ; those with the status “Guest” cannot use the club banner (purple announcement) on campus chat to call for last bar , sometimes there is hitters who also call on campus to bring other members.
    Other than that, it seems interesting, I don’t have that issue much in my club so it goes with different clubs have different practices 😊
    fire_lord likes this.
  5. I do like this. They can just make it a button to toggle on and off. Great for organizing members between perms and not perms.
    SkulnstMaureen9 likes this.
  6. 💕🐾💕🐾SEEKING 4🎵
    🐾 BP💕Active Ppl ✨
    🐾 1 💕2 Help Party 🌹
    ✨1mcs+Plz Join Here🙏
  7. This is not the thread for this. Click here
  8. Full support. Clubs need a long overdue update
    SkulnstMaureen9 likes this.