Make one tap button to open speed up boxes

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by M0RAL_SH0CK, Feb 24, 2022.


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  2. No

  1. so i'm suggesting that the devs should make one tap button to open speed up boxes cause it is really annoying. Imagine having 5K boxes and u have to open it one by one. Im already struggling opening 800 boxes in one of my accs.
    itsGV, Zeniba, Satanism and 3 others like this.
  2. My club has been asking about this since they came out 😩 same with a lot of gcs I’m in. We don’t have time to open a billion speed ups
  3. I don't care if the limit is 5 or 10 just please make it easier😩
  4. Open them as you get them and you will stay ontop of it easier. Idc either way as long as its optional coz i like to keep 1 for my showcase. Dont see why it cant be added coz its on heckfire. Of you wanna see the convo on it look up the other 474937484u3838 threads about this
  5. I came here to post exactly the same thing. One button opens all be so much easier
    Waxing_Gibbous likes this.
  6. oh god yes please. can we have this please