Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Feb 21, 2022.

  1. Lately I've been focusing a lot about men, masculinity, avatars , trying to represent and all that
    And by 2022 we all know what toxic masculinity be
    In fact we've all seen toxic masculinity on forums
    Men on here have been trying to be toxic towards me because they are threatened by my masculinity, toxic towards my MASCULINITY
    I usually just laugh if off because that's all you can do really
    But Ive also gotten hate from some women, calling me out for making threads about masculinity tryna insult me saying cis male or some weird shit like that

    And I think this is all part of toxic feminity, like relax karen you'll get your time in the spotlight, can't have one dude making a thread about masculinity that da whole world flinches

    And here it is. A thread for da women.
    Uh, representation and all.
    And da topic is
    If there's toxic masculinity, and yin and yang, white and black, there surely must be TOXIC FEMINITY??

    Personally I think it's real, I think some of y'all some toxic ass bishes

    But what do you believe?
  2. Cis isnt a insult btw. It literally just means you are as you are. The term is used for more then just people
    RedRobin, Heliopolis and Muschi like this.

  3. It's all about context and tone my boy, let's say I was like "Dino, my boy, wassup?" See friendly asf
    But let's say I instead said "ew, look at dino, he's nothing but a boy" then thats patronizing, rude, looking down on you.
    You get it, boy?
  4. Not really
  5. Mandatory no support post.
    Muschi likes this.
  6. "Toxic feminity" isn't real because we don't live in a society with a matriarchy. If you don't want "toxic masculinity," then help dismantle patriarchy.
    9, Heliopolis, Luce and 2 others like this.
  7. wtf
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  8. What?
  9. congratulations, I promote you from an insignificant little worm to an actual forum troll. you've successfully managed to actually annoy me beyond the point of just an eye roll, because this collection of words together are so stupid that I feel mildly enraged.
    well done boo boo the fool.
    Muschi likes this.
  10. what the hell did i just read with my lil old eyeballs
    Muschi likes this.
  11. There are self respecting and intelligent men who want equal rights and there are incels.

    There are self respecting and intelligent women who want equal rights and there are misandrists as well.

    I'd say one thing, if you're talented and are working hard or are just working hard, you won't have to worry about how some particular sub group of people can use a pretty good movement to f*ck you over.
    While there will always be a chance to get f*cked over in this world, people who are aiming for higher goals and working hard towards it can recover in worst case scenarios. So, thinking about some misandrists using feminism as a shield/ weapon to f*ck over good men is wasting precious time that could have been invested in something productive.
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  12. If toxic masculinity is a set of beliefs and attitudes that hurt men

    Then women saying shit like

    “That’s not ladylike.”

    “Don’t dress like that, men will assume you’re easy.”

    "How will you get a man if you act like that?"

    "You're a bitch, so bossy, girls should be nice and sweet."

    There are literally women out there who will shame other women who choose to stay at home and be housewives. Because it doesn't fit a standard.

    Toxic feminity is women finding aggressive women bitchy but aggressive men hot as fuck.

    If this isn't toxic feminity. Women shaming other women for not fitting certain roles, beliefs, attitudes Then you got me real fucked up.

    Yeah, sure, you used a certain perspective and in that perspective it may be valid but you lack vision, and you lack insight.

    Many women out there are being hurt by toxic feminity just like many men out there are being hurt by toxic masculinity. Don't invalidate these women by saying toxic feminity doesn't exit.

    It's easy to go by a certain definition to try and be right, but you like those who liked your comment lack vision, they lack insights and they lack thinking skills. Shame on you.

    I am here to represent the women that get Invalidated by people like you.
  13. Yo welcome women, jeez, do I have to do everything around here, sigh. I mean damn I can handle it but shit.
  14. I didn't get yo comment but fuck it have a like
  15. You read genius
  16. Sounds like a personal problem, uh, good luck with that? Lol I dunno what to say in situations like this.
  17. Speaking facts my African American brethren
  18. Lol no one gives a fuck about your no support anyway.
  19. Okay 🥱
  20. What you are describing as "toxic feminity" is just misogyny. There's already a word for it. The reason toxic masculinity is called that is because men are in a position of societal power and use that to oppress other men. Women are not in a place of societal power, and therefore them attacking other women is just regular misogyny.

    Maybe you shouldn't speak over women. That would make you a better ally. Stop mansplaining feminism and women's rights. Keep your mouth shut and boost women's voices, and take criticism about your alleged allyship with a smile. Women will always be more educated in our oppression than any man.
    Luce and Heliopolis like this.