
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Dec 3, 2021.

  1. Aint shiiiiet
    All the news is tryna do is blow this out of proportion
    Don't be scared yall
    Omicron is nothing to fear
    Hag, LeeJarrett and Hurricaine like this.
  2. Ya bro I ended up getting it, was down for two days then regained my power and got back to living, no biggie
    Hag likes this.
  3. I have a runny nose. Fear my wrath
    GodNDevil likes this.
  4. It has the same symptoms as a common cold, an even lower mortality rate than all other variants, and the antibodies your body builds after getting it can actually help you fight delta. Hell, according to some tests, some cases have no symptoms at all.
  5. It spreads very quickly.
    As it spreads to new places, smaller communities, etc. The further it reaches, the more opportunities it has to mutate...

    Omicron doesn't have strong symptoms right now...
    But the coronavirus can evolve and speciate.

    It will give rise to many new variants and they could be worse than Delta.

    Acting according to the symptoms of the current variant is short-sighted.
    renamed47291 and Alan like this.
  6. Covid might be in her flop era but that doesn't mean you still shouldn't wear a mask out and practice social distancing. Some of us wanted social distancing before covid, please respect that Ty 🦦💚
    renamed47291 likes this.
  7. Ima be fuckn pissed if that shit comes here and makes my course get cancelled
  8. Ya it'll mutate and there will be more variants but it doesn't mean it'll mutate into this monster of a thing that'll wipe us out it could mutate into this harmless thing as well so yeah sure stay safe and be wary but don't fear the virus, sure respect it, like fire you respect fire and its properties but don't fear it that's dumb.
    Omicron ain't shiet
  9. the coronavirus is just another project picked up from the soviet union.... in other news I really don't care about any of it anyway