Neil and friends furniture and avatar matching contest 3

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by iNeilTheSpeedyTurtle, Dec 6, 2021.

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  1. 🤞🏽Hope this works


    The Ava describes my feelings as a Capricorn with her bday close to Xmas 🌚

    I suk at editing 💀
    PuthyQueen, Nash, Adorabelle and 2 others like this.
  2. Ok trying again since the image didn't work! Here's my submission, even my pet is on my couch! 🥰

  3. Please let me know if y'all can see the stupid image 🤧 here's the link too just in case
  4. [​IMG]

    If anyone needs/wants any help with making their images feel free to contact me 💛
    Thanks again hosts for another fun contest!!
    Harley, Adorabelle, Lemons and 3 others like this.
  5. * I also used Beachnik above plant/window! My text got cut off 🥲
  6. [​IMG]
    I hope I got it right this time.
    Thanks @Yaya
    _Isa_ and Yaya like this.
  7. I guess I had messed up the image URL. Yaya helped me out. I've submitted my dorm now 💃🏻
    Thank you!
    Yaya likes this.
  8. Whelp, I can no longer edit or delete my posts because the forum is wonky. I guess I'll post again 🤭 I included my pet on the couch. (Mods or whomever can delete, please delete my other two attempts 😂)

    Yaya and _Isa_ like this.
  9. [​IMG][​IMG]

    And I forgot to add Co-Z to my list 🙈
    Yaya and _Isa_ like this.
  10. [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Yaya, _Isa_ and Sorcery like this.
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