NEW CONTENT Major Arcana! 🔮

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. The Chinese zodiacs were so cute too
    -Mrs_Mis- likes this.
  2. male avis always lack in comparison
    Puma, Justin, Billychu and 1 other person like this.
  3. That’s Actually looks quite Nice ⭐️ (Well Done)
    Komi likes this.
  4. capricorn 💔
  5. Anyone selling or swapping moon shards?
  6. I really like the tarot card idea but like 80% of these are ugly…. ESPECIALLY the dudes like, why lol I just think this idea had soooo much potential
  7. Tbh what would have been super cool is if they put out designs for a bunch of cards and let people vote on which m/f pairs they liked the best, then added those pairs to the shard boxes. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Who am I tho.
  8. I feel they could have done some homework for this one they arent even close on outfits and correct coloring from tarot cards🤦‍♀️
  9. I don't think they were trying to be so dead on about coloring and outfits, more so just simply inspired by tarot 👀
    I think they still look nice, to me it looks like whoever did the art for it enjoyed doing it.
  10. For sure death and moon are the best
    nixi3 likes this.
  11. I’m a Pisces ❤️
  12. ✨Selling tarot shards✨
    Lovers/death 50:1b
    Empress 800:10b
    Fool 800:7b | Rest 100:1b wmis❤️
  13. Why the masc ones always gotta be ugly
  14. Looking for instant death Avi
  15. BUYING DEATH ☠️ & MOON 🌖 TAROT, wmo please please 🙃

    PS - I will do almost anything!!
  16. Is it gonna be the 12 gods and goddesses of Egypt next year? 😋
    FauxPasFox and Fluttershy like this.
  17. Have any lovers cards I'll trade
  18. Selling Tarot shards Empress 800:9b Temperance 800:5b/1600:10b wmid ✨
  19. appreciate if you can remove the avatar’s frame. it’s overlapping and it doesn’t look good at all. ty