PROMO 🎟Black Friday Raffle Box! 🎁

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Nov 24, 2021.

  1. Amen ata, amen✅
  2. I love entering things im destined to lose🥳 Fun time fun times🥲🥳
    Irenic_, Mesha, Alan and 3 others like this.
  3. when you pay money for a chance at pixels

  4. As it is i dont win, now ATA is just rubbing the salt over wounds!!
  5. 😂 your luck may change 🤷🏼‍♀️
  6. Loch_NESS_Monster and Alicia like this.
  7. Wow the way I waste money 🤣🤣🤣
  8. Gorgeous avi 😲💕
  9. I whis the best of the best to everyone 👋😁 . Hope you all win. 😎🤙
  10. Players: Give us offers on ecs😍
    ATA: No no, we give raffels and take ecs 😜
    Dice, otaku_chan and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  11. This is so cute!!
  12. Oh my goodness, someone PLEASE tell me 2x ec offers are still coming this bf😭
    lllOGQueenKushlll likes this.
  13. Oh no ATA how did you figure out my gambling problem💀
  14. I hope I win 🥺 The aviis are cute
    nixi3 likes this.
  15. The Avis are cute but the ect’s are nice tooo maybe I can finally open some boxes 😂
  16. This is my first time in a raffle I'm not saying I'll win or anything but if I do yay if not on well 🤷‍♀️ it was really fun.