EVENT Are You Afraid of the Park?

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 12, 2021.

  1. I mean, we still have the entirety of November. Hopefully the first Nov hunt will be a general fall-y themed one.
    x_FluorescentEllis_x and nixi3 like this.
  2. We did get an autumn hunt, the moon festival hunt was an autumn hunt. Just because we didn’t get a westernized version of autumn doesn’t mean we didn’t get one!
    That isn’t to say we won’t get an autumn hunt later in November that is based in North America.
    GoddessHailey, zimza, -Gon- and 18 others like this.
  3. Im sure we'll get something like that for Thanksgiving
    SuckitTrebek and FeLoNy like this.
  5. How do you get the black girl AVI in this event
    PimpcessKay and FeLoNy like this.
  6. Better then last years but still disappointed I kind of hoped for ghosts vampires wolfs something of that kind
    Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo likes this.
  7. By order of elimination, it should be from side story
    Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo likes this.
  8. Thank you love
  9. You can also check out this thread each hunt to see what all the rewards are, including where to get the avis. It's updated as the information comes in, so be patient. Just check the last page for current info. 😊
    Intoxication likes this.
  10. You put an awesome Avi based on Moana?!? My heart is smiling so hard. Great job picking the best princess to ever exist 😁😁😁😁💞💞💞

    Ba da ba ba -- I'm loving it 🥰
    incredibrielle and Intoxication like this.
  11. Avis are okay..
  12. How do we get the black girl avi for the hunt
  13. As said in a post slightly above yours, by process of elimination it should be the side story avi.
    Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo likes this.
  14. Finally A story worthy of my time
    -Mrs_Mis- likes this.
  15. This hunt still sucks it seems like Ata is running out of ideas and it's just sad as he'll we need a good slasher hunt with Freddy and Jason or even a cosmic horror which hasn't been done before
  16. I believe she might be on one of the side stories
  17. You got a whole Mid-Autumn Festival themed hunt. Autumn is in the name.
    Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo and Joy like this.
  18. Can i touch ur paws pls🥺
  19. Ata change the image for search on the invites it look like they been fingering some chick on her period
    -Gon- likes this.
  20. wish we could buy the ultra rare avi drops with ECs or something. not gonna spend hundreds of dollars to just maybe get one avatar, but i really would spend EC or even just money for just the avi.
    Lia_22 and incredibrielle like this.