Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by renamed46099, May 29, 2021.

  1. Mm. What’s it like? Being as precious as you? Have you any idea what’s it’s like to know what I know?

    Well, what I know about You at least.

    I’ve dreamt up countless worlds, thousands of paradises, trillions of microcosms dedicated to the bliss that is You. And in all of them, time and time again I’m captivated by your simplicity…
    There’s no grandeur, no flourish, just— You.

    Have You met you? The woman I love? You’ve often told me she’s much different than the one you’ve grown alongside. That she wasn’t a hair of who I’ve come to know. Much to my pride and pleasure your answer has changed. You’ve changed me.

    Mm… what’s it like? Being as devoted as you? Have you any idea what it’s like to feel what I feel?

    If I’ve ever felt something heavy… it had always been unpleasant or discomforting. The weight of what I’d known love to be had been torn and beaten into many molds, and crammed into sharp spaces. Even suffocated by my own definitions.

    Unbeknownst to you, all that weight had been finely ground into this earthy pigment and painted across the high points of my heart in the sweetest of hues.

    I carry nothing but my love for you. The desire to be your friend, and closest companion. I carry my wish to comfort you. And to honor your being with my breath.

    For You.

  2. M you you you sweetest you …
  3. You are beautiful, it's true.
    renamed46099 likes this.
  4. Op loves you
    renamed46099 likes this.
  5. You know. I don’t know op, but I love op too because I love everyone!
    renamed46099 likes this.