CONTEST Crate Item Design Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Sir, Sep 21, 2021.

  1. [​IMG]
    : Akat-Chewy
    Caption: "Looking for dog toys...Preferably 9 of them for world domination."
    Why: It's inspired by 2 of my dogs and the anime show i'm currently watching. I have a dog named Chewy and Loolie. Loolie lost an eye last year from fighting her sister hence i drew her inspired by the Akatsuki from Naruto because she's crazy like them... very mischievous too on her pigtails LOL! and as for Chewy... Chewy loves looking for his dog toys, same mission as the Akatsuki looking for the tailed beasts. hehe

    R0ach, Teacher, Soju and 43 others like this.
  2. Omgosh, i love it!!!
    yam, Tian and _-Star-_ like this.
  3. I love this
    yam and Tian like this.
  4. Ugh in lob w ur one eyed doggo <3
    yam and Tian like this.

    das the link since I'm apparently a tech idiot
    HerGrace and Psycxdxlic like this.
  6. [​IMG]

    Name: Heart of a Brat/ Brat on Wings

    Caption: Make me. (It’s a Wing! It’s a brat! It’s a brat on wings!)

    Why: Well for starters, I pretty much exclusively use the white heart emoji and the wings were kinda a given bc of my ign. But I really wanted to add some more of my personality to it so I added a shinobi forehead protector from Naruto because that anime holds a very special place in my heart. I was inspired in general by the banner of the Band of the Falcon from Berserk (R.I.P Kentaro Miura) because it’s my comfort anime. The cat ears are just there because I think they’re cute ☺️. The brat part comes from something probably.
    -Arctic_Hottie-, Psycxdxlic and Yuvi like this.
  7. [​IMG]
    here u go :)

    Teacher, Clairvoyance, Adore and 12 others like this.
  8. [​IMG]

    here u go too wingy hehe 💛

    Teacher, Psycxdxlic, Yuvi and 2 others like this.
  9. [​IMG]
    AHhHh You're so sweet, ty qt ( ˘ ³˘)♥
    Adore likes this.
  10. ty titi🥺🤍
  11. This is something interesting
  12. [​IMG]
  13. [​IMG]
    Name: A Freshman's Bullet Journal

    Caption: So nostalgic.

    Why: This was inspired by one of my favorite personal belongings I keep and always read again— my first bullet journal that I had when I was a Freshman in High School. It was filled with so much more colours and stories, compared to my latest one 🤣

    I took a long time trying to figure out how to use digital painter as a first-timer, but I still find it fun, learning to use a new media!

    oh, btw,

    Bullet Journal works great for both planning and writing journals. I recommend trying it if you haven't yet. That's all from me, thank you! 💖
  14. [​IMG]
    Name: Cassava the Cephalopod
    Caption: "Legends say that her eyes are made of tapioca pearls"
    Why: I have almost always been ign RoseMilkTea since playing PIMD and what better way to embody myself and this game than with boba and a cute creature with tentacles.
  15. this is adorable i love the mood tracker
    Error-Sanity_NotFound likes this.
  16. Name: Llama Del Rey

    Caption: ‘Tired of your playlist? Why not listen to Llama’s best tracks’

    Why: bcus Lana is awesome and Llama is cute and it’s my ign and it sounds cool as heck 🧏🏻‍♀️💅 and it’s just random thoughts and u can’t never really explain why they come exactly right? And i think they make quite a fun combination 😆



    Idk if the pics will be shown this is my first time posting photos on a forum lol okay let’s see then here goes nothing
    Teacher, Clairvoyance, Adore and 30 others like this.
  18. [​IMG]

    Name: Chick Stealer
    Description: Stealing Girls With My Wet Nose And Da Special Woof!
    Why: I've always had a soft spot for dogs as they're so cute and I've always wanted a pet dog but never managed to get one and i feel dogs are better than humans🤓
    Teacher, Clairvoyance, Cassi and 8 others like this.
  19. I am so in love with all of your submissions 😩