NEW CONTENT New Permanent Avatars!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. That's actually an interesting idea! Although they are permanent, so they won't be "re-released" as you seem to be indicating, it'd be nice to have maybe a month-long discount on them for introducing them.
    1. I
    2. Love
    3. You:oops:
    4. My
    5. Friend's
    6. But
    7. Love
    8. My
    9. Life
    10. No
    11. Time
    12. So
    13. Sed:(
  2. Consider my disability to buy them.
  3. I still have the best Avi I think 😌old schools had the best Avis
  4. Whats the stat % of yo avi ?
    • I don’t want to be that guy but these Avis suck.
    • Has anyone purchased one ?? That’s like $50 at regular ec prices
    • Shame on you ATA : (
    -BlackShadow- likes this.
  5. Lol at least I don’t have horns on my head 😂👍🏽
    Sleeping-Beauty likes this.
  6. I think it’s 10% each bro. 😉 but I think back in the day it cost me 50ec that was 7 years ago
  7. Atleast i know from where and how to check stats of avi. And obviously i "Don't" need to think like you😏🟥
  8. It’s 20% each bruv 🤨
  9. You have one of the worst attitude problems.
    Campus and iVolunteerAsTribute like this.
  10. Thanks for the compliment ❤️🌹
    I really Appreciate it❤️🌹
    RosaHarp likes this.
  11. For avatars we should have an option to have a custom one. For example sell us a blank one for like 199ECs. Then everything after that costs like 10ECs but the avi is 100% customizable. Maybe even throw in items for the avi to have. Like sports stuff animals etc.
  12. You didn't mentioned the amount of avi/items in that 199ecs bank.