Crypto currency

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Sep 12, 2021.

  1. Agreed. With bitcoin, your phone is your bank
  2. Word. Then everyone would have to develop a wanted/needed skill. Or prostitute themselves. Whatevs.
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  3. Might as well reinvent wheel^
  4. Ok so whats bitcoin if its not just numbers on a screen?
    Muschi likes this.
  5. They're both numbers on the screen, sure. But there's a lot more to it.

    The digital money or CBDCs which will be rolled out soon (after they crash dollar completely, story for another time) will ensure complete control over people by the top 1% of the top 1% (hereafter referred to as globalists). Bitcoin, on the other hand, being decentralized, separates money from state, as no single entity controls it

    The central banks (part of the globalist oligarch) can issue money at will, out of thin air, thereby making every single currency note in circulation counterfeit. With bitcoin, the supply is fixed and the monetary policy is carved in Stone. No one can issue more of it.

    When money supply keeps expanding, its purchasing power keeps decreasing (your average Joe knows this as rise in price of goods) causing inflation. Inflation coupled with cantillon effect ensures ever increasing economic disparity (rich become richer, poor become poorer). In essence, if u save money you are punished. With bitcoin, savings will be rewarded.

    this one is very important. With government issued digital currency, you don't have the custody of your money, the banks do. They can confiscate all your wealth with the click of a button if you don't obey your masters (the globalists). With bitcoin, you have the custody of your money and no one can confiscate it from you.

    with digital currency, youre answerable to the government to even spend/send your own money. With bitcoin, you can use your money as you like, no questions asked.

    Well I have touched upon a few points. I hope this stresses enough on the fundamental difference between bitcoin and counterfeit money.

    You can dm me anytime, I'll be happy to orange pill u
  6. I wouldn't pay for coffee with gold. I wouldn't pay for coffee at all. 😂 I've got enough stockpiled to last 10 years.

    Anyway, I see your point but my point is that it shouldn't be used AS money but as a holder of value. No matter what currency is used in the future Gold and Silver will always hold value because they are in limited supply. If I needed cash, I could always sell off some gold into whatever currency we are using at that point.

    Look at countries affected by hyperinflation. If you had cash, it's basically toilet paper now. But if you had gold, you still hold something of value.

    Also fuqk the federal reserve
  7. Totally agree with your point. But gold is gradually losing its position as store of value and is being taken over by bitcoin. Gold has limited supply but bitcoin has fixed supply, but the advantage bitcoin has over gold is ease of movement.
    • Soooooo Boring -
    • Double Lock it vote here -
    Muschi likes this.
  8. Im not reading all that. To much words
    Muschi likes this.
  9. I think that depends on where you live. Most of the stores by me are owned by Mennonites. They're not gonna be accepting Bitcoin anytime soon.
    Muschi likes this.
  10. Maybe, just maybe, you’re so ignorant about so many topics because you won’t read anything longer than a tweet.
  11. I don't really think Charlie is mentally able to do that. Not so much he "won't," just that he literally can't.
  12. I have the soul of a blacksmith inside me: so I will always unlock da thread plus it cant be locked
  13. And that is totally understandable. This is a paradigm shift and changes of this magnitude take time. Don't you think it's still impressive that just 13 years after inception, 5 countries have already made bitcoin legal tender?
  14. I use my time whenever I can to create awareness as it is very important (now more than ever) for the middle class to be woke. But when I meet ignorant people, it doesn't dissuade me from my efforts to relentlessly spread awareness. On the contrary, knowing that so many people are clueless creates a sense of urgency
  15. Nope not at all. Im not in control of what sticks in my memory. Physically doing things helps but that more sticks to muscle memory rather then memory in my head. I literally cant focus enough to read that much words. When theres to much words they like all merge together or some shit and the letters keep changing
  16. Nice of you to think im rich enough to be part of middle class lol. Idk wtf the rest you said