Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 8, 2021.

  1. Daily XC's are back!

    What's up, PIMD-ites? PIMDers?

    We've got a special announcement for a player-favorite making its return. Remember the daily XCs that we recently had? Well, we gathered some feedback, tweaked them here and there, and are happy to announce they're coming back again!

    Starting today, September 8th, daily XCs will be running until November 25th!

    This XC will refresh every day. There are 3 tiers of rewards every day. If you complete all 3 tiers, you will begin earning tokens that can be exchanged for avatars. There will be multiple different avatars to choose from!

    Your face when the daily XCs went away:

    Your face now:

    Get out there and make the nine-nine proud, squad!
  2. Yay I’m glad this xc is back! Also here for the Holt gifs
    petra_, S_, Ande and 2 others like this.
  3. It’s a good news 🥳💕
    SweetAsYonii likes this.
  4. Thanks! Good news
  5. The avi previews had me excited we were getting some emo/punk avis... And I was so disappointed when I opened them up. Y'all have got to get better at making cohesive avis... Why do their heads look sooo different from their bodies? 😭 I'm so pickyyy
  6. Their heads look the same as their body im confused 🥲 perfectly good egirl/eboy avis imo
  7. I have never seen an egirl wear a pink dress 🤣
    SoapyBum likes this.
  8. And blue heels with said dress 🤣 That doesn't match 🤧
  9. O 💚
  10. Hey I wasn't the only one expecting emo avatars lmao they look more grunge and like, goths trying to be preppy or something

    The 75 coin guy is okay though but I ain't active enough for that lol
    SoapyBum likes this.
  11. Is it possible to get both avi? Cause there’s only 106 days and you only get 1 token per 3 tiers. So that’s only 106 tokens.. to get both avi it would be 130 tokens.
    Famous, MarBaby788, Samara and 13 others like this.
  12. Love the Avis and I want both males but I would need 130 days worth of coins when only 103 days are possible. Why are you making us choose 🥺 Any way to get more coins in the mean time?
  13. we posted the same thought at the same time 😂
    Luciferr likes this.
  14. Oooohkay thats what you meant, I thought you meant artistically lmaoo
    Ive seen egirls wear the academia-style but i agree its a lil bright
    iDeath likes this.
  15. How exciting! Are new avis just added occasionally in addition to the ones posted or will the previous ones leave as new ones get added?
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.