Question to Devs…

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by L-Ronda, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. What if we could turn unwanted avis into avatar coins?

    how bad of an idea would this be?
  2. Wouldnt happen. Ata would lose so much money
    LeeJarrett, L-Ronda and Honor like this.
  3. You know what. I support this idea.

    However, avatar shard prices would probably skyrocket.
  4. Why don't you wrote a help ticket to devs😑
  5. Support 💯
    I kinda like them 32 coins avis 🌝wish I could get them without spending monies
  6. because I wanted to ask the community as well as the devs ty 👋🏽
  7. Community can answer and devs will give u answer and if possible the perfect solution. But still its a good way of collecting knowledge and comments on yo own thread. I support your tactics.
  8. 🙌🏽 I felt that! Thank you 🙏🏽 Just am genuinely curious lol
  9. I've been playing this game a while now what would be nice is a radio in club chat and a admin dj position? Just putting it out there.
  10. ATA would probably make it so that you had to recycle 400 avis for 1 avi coin.

    Also they have commented on recycling avis before (probably ain't gonna happen) but I don't wanna look for the direct quote from the dev right now 🙃
    Muschi likes this.
  11. It was along the lines of. Why do you want to cut off the limbs of your friends
    Muschi and RoseMilkTea like this.
  12. Fuuck no this game is laggy enough without adding music to it as well
    Azari and Muschi like this.

  13. Its not a strawberry world😏🍌

  14. Never ever ever.
  15. 1yr isnt very long tbh. But id say for a start. All perm banned accs get their acc cleared thst goes into a prize pool thing and have a comp that people can win that stuff and then them banned accs get deleted from the server. It should help with lag issues as well coz the server not so over loaded with crap.

    Im well aware it will mean my old accs will be gone to but cant get them back anyway
  16. Question to Dev.

    1. If I hit you and strip your tuts (if you have any) will you take back your tuts? And will you hit me back?

    2. If i say i will stop farming you if you pay cf to me (Mics only) will you pay?

    Jesus, I'm coming. ✝️
  17. The devs dont watch forums. If you wanna know the anser to that you can do it or send a help ticket and ask them
  18. Uhh seems like you really want to send me to jesus so you can get back the bobo. Hmmm smarty chaplin.😏
  19. And by the way devs said they do watch forum everyday😏