EVENT A New Chapter

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Virgo, Aug 19, 2021.

  1. Next hunt the lowest will never 16k and highest 300k
  2. Sorry but previous hunt was better.🀷
    Hope girls will enjoy this hunt.
  3. Um no ; just no . Last hunt was amazing. Avis need some work . A couple of them are ok .
    alexisxx likes this.
  4. Love all the Pink ✨
    Alicia likes this.
  5. Are all one week hunts a thing of the past now and have been replaced by three week long hunts instead? :oops:
  6. I mean just saying but genders other than female can also like pink
  7. We had a Greek hunt last summer too, I remember it, at least that one has both beautiful avis and furniture, idk pick others countries too
  8. Box Avis look kind of fruity love it
    And dorm is cute
    -_Blackfire_- and --Tifa like this.
  9. I LOVE ITTTT 😻😻😻
  10. Um, it's not bad but if it was shorter I'd appreciate it more. The avis didn't catch my eye and I'll probably be getting bored before the end of it.

    But the FURNITURE???? Goddamn. It's so pretty, I want it all. Hell, I want that decoration in my real life room! 😍
  11. Cute! Love the 499
  12. ATA u forget boys are playing this game too? Girls always get cute and sexy famale avis but boys not even close to that. Iam Emo quitting for 3 weeksπŸ’€.
  13. I love this hunt!!😘πŸ₯°πŸŒΉ
  14. Again they increased the Hunt drops πŸ₯΄
    I hate it :mad:
  15. Last hunt was amazing πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈyall this cant be a 3 week hunt please
    FastForward, Lark, Alan and 1 other person like this.
  16. 🀝Same pinch πŸ˜…
  17. Furni is really nice, avis are questionable but i wouldnt do this for 3 weeks oml πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ