Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by TXXXT_TXT-THT_TT_THT-TXT_TXXXT, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. EVENT NAME: The Bosky Man.
    As we all know it's a PvP (Player Vs Player) hunt. Ending: 12PM PST August 24th.

    Posting this Thread because some people are silenced in game and can't send hitt request in Pub/Campus. They trying to add people and asking them to get Hitted.

    Silenced/Interested players can comment their kcs/mcs value here.

    I'm 200kcs. I have 'xyz' Bats. (xyz- amount of Bats). Hit me please.

    PLEASE Don't missuse and don't tag others who are collecting bats to get into PvP leaderboard by collecting 666 bats. I request don't do that🙏. THIS THREAD IS ONLY FOR THOSE PLAYERS WHO ARE SILENCED.

    Enjoy the hunt & don't forget the 2x promo on Cats,Dogs, & Invite parties.

  2. I'm 200kcs I have 300+ Bats. Please Hitt me.
  3. 7.4MCS here. I have 164 Bats. Hit me or anyone wnat to get hits Wall me.
  4. ill take them all but how do i hit you