UPDATE [CLOSED] Moderator Applications 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Jul 23, 2021.

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  1. So... it said full name and I put my first and last name🤦‍♀️ I doubt that’s right cause I never put my ign or email anywhere and I didn’t realize and submitted.
  2. Found the silencing policies, definitely made some mistakes in there. At least two. But it was nice to give it a try, and it brought to my attention things I didnt know. So overall very useful.
    On that note, good luck to everyone who has applied/is applying. 💕🧸
  3. The popup is attached to your account so they already know your ign. As for your email, they wont need it unless you actually get picked so they will contact players and ask them for their emails at a later point in time.
    -Khaos, Phobia, Day and 2 others like this.
  4. Aweeee i would like to participate in it TBH its my 1st time to participate in forum 😂❤️
  5. I speak Hindi 🌚😂❤️
  6. Oh, okay. Thank you. Mine automatically opened up in safari so I just didn’t think it would be linked to account
    Intoxication likes this.
  7. You can still apply even if you are not in their priority areas.
    Atlas and Intoxication like this.
  8. I'm so excited 😭😭😭 Good luck to everyone!
    Intoxication likes this.
  9. omg yeth I been waiting for this 🥺🤚🏼
  10. Can we still apply if we are not an active member in forums?🥺
    ATA-Will likes this.
  11. Yes, anyone can apply
    Noen likes this.
    • Tru requests that ATA pick some good MODs this round.
    • I always wondered why none of the top forumers are MODs? I could be wrong the list is outdated I think
  12. Goodluck to all the good beans applying 🥺❤️
    Joy, Noen and Intoxication like this.
  13. Is therea second way to apply other than the pop up. I dont have time to apply during the day when at work, n now i wont get the pop up for 24 hours. Can i apply at night while im home and have time?
    Noen likes this.
  14. Yes anytime coz its closeing on 8th August. You gonna get a lot of time..
  15. For full name sake I just put first name & initial of last name.. for privacy i guess
    Intoxication likes this.
  16. Aye nice new greenies
    Joy and Intoxication like this.
  17. Good luck everyone! 🦄💕
    Joy, FFS_Celeste, Honor and 1 other person like this.
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