Probably a dumb idea

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by YourChaoticPsycho, Jul 29, 2021.

  1. Hello all,

    I just wanted to propose a new idea (I apologize in advance if this has been proposed before). I think ata should implement an offer wall for dns as well. You can absolutely buy dns in the store, however there are people that can’t afford it.
    The offer wall can offer you more (the same way as ecs) at a lesser value. By where I’m located, 168 dns is $99.99 before tax and many can’t afford that. So I’m proposing to ata to add an offer wall for dns.
    Thank you for reading my post and feel free to leave any comments or questions.
    Have a good rest of your day / night
  2. Nahh coz theres more ways to get dn then what there is for ec. You can get dn from boxes and quests. And when you start after the tutorial and if you do the set of jobs you start off with over 200dn. Ata also give random free dns from time to time to encourage people to keep partying. Not a dumb idea tbh but already loads of free ways to get dn compared to ec
  3. I would prefer if players got a % chance for dns to drop from fighting players that were active in the last 30 days.
  4. You can do the ec offer wall and use 10ec for a dn 🤷🏼‍♀️
  5. Yes, I agree with you. But there are people like myself who go to flashes and dns. I feel some people may like the idea of receiving more for less
  6. That's an awesome idea
  7. If you can afford to go to flashes you can afford to buy dn
  8. I mean
    I can’t argue with that, however there’s a number of ways to get bentos or byoc / byod or byoi. Not everyone can afford them
  9. I can't afford to buy DNs, but I have plenty of bentos to pay for some flash sessions 🙊 I just save up my free DNs until there's a hunt I really like, which I would suggest OP do as well.

    As a free/small purchase player, you kind of have to pick and choose what you want to spend your precious and hard-earned currencies on. If you had 5 bentos, you wouldn't go spending them willy nilly on whatever, especially if it took you three months or something to earn those bentos. No, you'd most likely try to buy something you like or save up for a more expensive item.
  10. But also, this isn't exactly a dumb idea, but there are workarounds so that the offers basically are giving you DNs, like just exchanging 10ec for a DN. However, I'd just try to save up DNs and then use the ec to buy a shop furni I like or maybe a cat or some dogs for those sessions that don't allow DNs.