How about a Overwatch themed hunt? And a Widowmaker avatar? Just please don’t make her a LB avi if you do ever make a Overwatch hunt, ty😂💜
I would love a Martial Arts Event where the 3-4 types of Avis could be like Karate, Muay Thai, Taikwondo and maybe Tai Chi
I'd love to see an updated dino hunt. Where the avis have cute little dinosaur patterns on their clothes with little accessories like jewelry or their wearing a dino hoodie that looks like T-Rex or a Triceratops! And the furni doesn't have to have dinos absolutely everywhere but it would be super cute to see dino toys on the shelves/desk and plushies on the bed/floor. Or even the 499 can be a pet all dressed up in a dino costume! And the furni can be like "painted" with dinos/paleo animals or plants like this person got old furni from a yardsale and made it their own!
I hope the current Yacht Summer Girl hunt was your interpretation of this comment idea 😊 and/ or the Berried Treasure
Some ideas mentioned here was given in the survey (currently ongoing at the time of this posts) just to say for anyone wondering if this thread works or ”if ATA really listen to us” ⚠️ it doesn’t mean it will happen 💯 ⚠️
Hope ATA will bring Covid-19 hunt. Like they will do something tricky or glitchy that all players r covid +ve and hunt drops should be like vaccines or parts to when players finish collecting all the drops to fill the target like 15000 main/ 1500 side or something eles idk. They will get vaccinated and safe. Something like that... Ingnore my english & thankyou if you understood my content or concept whatever it's called.🥃
My hunt suggestions are - Paranormal/ scary/ haunted/demonic Sci-fi Instrumentalists Inspired by something from pre historical stories Environmentalists/ something like agriculture/ or any earthly factors like flora and fauna Anime Fairytales Sports Galaxy based something Floral