My cat fell out my window

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Jul 16, 2021.

  1. She's okay now but I almost had a heart attack. The last thing I heard before she fell was this terrified screeching meow and I threw my laptop to get up and see what happened. Anyway, that bitch is like Spiderman because I went outside to get her, thinking she probably broke something. She climbed back up the side of the building to the 3rd floor and jumped back through the window like a superhero.
    Hag and Alicia like this.
  2. Glad your cat's okay!

    Mine's done that too. Went to sit in the window and sun himself and the screen fell out. Didn't even faze him.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  3. -1 life
    Hag and _Pristine_ like this.
  4. Is your laptop okay?
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Fuck that shit. Thats why i refuse to open the big upstairs windows that dont have a latch on them. Dont even wanna risk that shit
    Hag likes this.
  6. Yeah, it's survived me throwing it when I'm in a panic multiple times. She good
  7. breaking news
  8. Have you seen the video of that one cat that jumps off the top of a telephone pole just as the rescuers (on a lift) are about to grab it, and then just runs away once it hit the ground like nothing happened? Cats are super.....animal?
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  9. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ more like super savage
  10. I've seen a few videos like that. There's one of a cat like 7 stories high trying to scale the side of building and it fell and then ran. Apparently that's partially adrenaline tho and there's still a good chance they're injured and just hiding it from heights that tall. But my cat ended up being okay luckily
    ltachi likes this.
  11. Damn! Glad the cat is alright πŸ’•
  12. If u throw a cat from 5th floor still it will be alright coz cats have a special abilities that they use their tail to fix a safe landing position in air and their legs r also that strong for them so they don't break it when they touch ground. Somthing like that. I watched a same incidencenin Animal planet channel. Dw u can throw yo cat from 5th floor she / he will be alright 🌹
  13. Like a toss or yeet?
  14. If you throw any animal off a 5th story window then you not gonna be far behind getting thrown off to
  15. πŸ˜‘
  16. Eat dry cement ❀
  17. Umm yes i can but i need to drink lot of water after then so that the cement dont stick in my throat. And i have to vomit afterwards coz it wont get digest and i cant poop it out 🌹
  18. J
    Just a scientific experience bro . Im a animal lover toi. I have 18 fishes. 1 Dobberman, 1 parot , 10 goats and some hens in my house and those r my pets .i love them. But sadly my mom don't allow a cat idk y but she don't like it😩
  19. 🀭😁
  20. If you drink water it will activate it to then set solid and then you will die of sufication