July Avatars

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. I shall buy them all 
  2. Hopefully I can win one from the spinner!??
  3. There beautiful is there anyway if I can pay in. In dollars please?????
  4. I've gotten the sheer summer avi from the spinner and the stats on it are 30/30 when the post said it should be 35/35. Where's my missing 10%
  5. DEREKKKKKK your dog on Pimd is even cute
  6. Derek and Eric?
  7. Good show, Good show
  8. I want that dog as avatar. Will there ever be a dog, cat, fox or panda avas? ATA please make a pet/animal hunt! I wanna use a wolf or panda avatar someday ? :lol:
  9. Anyone here bought summer nights avi?