EVENT A Celebration of Country

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Ashe, Jun 24, 2021.

  1. What fresh hell is this?🙄
  2. It isn't too bad, for the stereotypical Americana hunt.
    TrainOfThots likes this.
  3. Ion know how I feel about this but I’m loving the star spangled snakey🥰
  4. YEE YEE!!!! 😱💕💕🥰
    Personally LOVE avis for once but dorm I woulda put more country and festive colors in it... more red white and blues 🥺

    But still love
  5. ok but where’s the shard avis? 😔
  6. I'm not so excited 🙄
  7. Ive personally never been a fan of anything country, for the most part, so I won’t be keeping much I get from this hunt (not mad about that though, I’ll happily sell stuff lmao).

    Though, even with that dislike, I feel like a lot of people are letting that opinion impact what they’re saying. 🤣 Obviously, the dorm could have been put together “better” but have y’all not seen country decor.. in the actual country? That’s pretty damn accurate. Plus, the redhead side story avi is cute 😌 We need to stop expecting free stuff to be the best, it’s never worked like that and it never will. I’m just thankful they’ve been doing better side story avis and more accessible story passes 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Muschi likes this.
  8. This hunt looks like you grabbed the 1970' stereotype of Rednecks and then decided to insult the people from the south. I live a couple hours from Nashville, and nobody wears those kinds of clothes unless it's a costume. Nice way to promote Negative stereotypes.
  9. No, it's decor you'd see on television or in the 1970's. This hunt is a slap
    Thank You, wish they had a ❤ option.
    TrainOfThots likes this.
  10. Ooohhh I LOVE THIS!! I'm a Southern Girl born & raised in Florida. If anyone is willing to gift me items from this hunt, I'll love y'all forever 🤠 I'm a broke @$$ redneck and can't afford to buy items 🤣
  11. I’m not saying it isn’t tacky; it most definitely is a bit much. However, a lot of country themed decor used in the country looks a LOT like that. Country decor, plain and simple, tends to be a mix of old styles and unconventional stuff.

    Especially that desk piece and nightstand. Very fitting.
  12. This hunt... The avatars are cute. Some of the furniture is cute, but I'm really not sure how this goes well with the 4th of July. Coming from a country-ish kind of town. Could of been a better hunt.
    Quantum likes this.
  13. Is that Wheein?
    [ATA]Ashe likes this.
  14. All I'm asking is for aliens...... and one year without a USA themed fourth of July hunt.
    iSnoopy, nixi3, Opal and 4 others like this.
  15. Nope... Don't like it🥺
  16. 🤮