peace tag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by toz5, May 3, 2021.

  1. this game became really soft
    who not developing rs feature
    how bout marriage , move to new dorm together and make babies
    how about same feature for pets
    or maybe a dress up
  2. How many alts do you got
  3. hush focus on your party
  4. Nu
  5. pathetic
  6. Why don’t you get off the game and do that shin real life.
    Ciara likes this.
  7. someone seems butthurt sowwwwy
  8. If I'm getting married I am not moving into a dormitory with them. Get an apartment or something lmfao
    WhoTfIsWesday and Ciara like this.
  9. This has nothing to do with peace tags 😐
    Muschi likes this.
  10. it started with oeace tag than the marvelous ideas kept coming
  11. OP needs peace to get married
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  13. what with the empty quotation
  14. yeah stupid ass apes do it
  15. I would have your babies
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Yer so sweet πŸ’– Let's adopt some cats instead though
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.