NEW CONTENT New Permanent Avatars!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. Love the disability representation! All of the other perm avis of the same stats are 500 ECs too so not sure why people are shocked that these are, too. It sucks but it isn't like it is new information.
  2. I love how you included those with disabilities. Very diverse but the prices could’ve been less.. pricey. Overall great addition!
    SweetB00 likes this.
  3. We're not shocked. We're disappointed. There's a difference.

    There have been better avis with more desirable stats that have cost less. And people with disabilities usually have more issues concerning their incomes, so they may not even be able to acquire said avis because of the high cost.
  4. y’all running out of ideas huh😔
    SweetB00 likes this.
  5. I personally love the avis and would spend the EC if I had the funds for it 🤐 While I do agree that there should be more visually disabled avis here and there (for instance, more as the 13 avi coin monthly avis, etc) that are more obtainable, the effort is appreciated and the avis look lovely.
    SierraStarlet likes this.
  6. Thanks for featuring this. But... Disabled people has struggle to make money cuz of their disability. and now u want them buy your expensive avatar?. To represent their selves in game?.why dont u guys give this into cheap or small worth price. Because disable person deserves a discount.
  7. So you’re saying that I would have to spend about $75 just to get the Avi? Come on that’s way too pricey. If it’s going to be that expensive at least make the stats 100/100. I think it should only cost like 100 ECs. It’s not worth it
  8. Exactly! It’s so unfair. It’s not right.
    SweetB00 and _DEMIDEVIL_ like this.
  9. 500 ecs? ooff.. why dont you lower down your price for Perms avi? nobody buys them.. what a waste of art.
    you should make them available for everyone. you are just wasting the art of your staff when it stays at the shop and no one buys it.
  10. They make 50$ off everyone who does buy them lol so not like they care
  11. Bring back the old avis
    SweetB00 likes this.
  12. 500ecs. Okay.
  13. This has got to be a joke. Lol
    LeeJarrett, Xara, Somini and 3 others like this.
    Intoxication likes this.
  15. Y’all: we need more disabled people
    Ata: ok *draws disabled avatars*
    Y’all: tOo ExPeNsIvE
  16. As someone brought up earlier, disabled ppl, incl myself, who want more disability representation.. can’t really afford to spend that much money for just an avatar. I appreciate their effort and the art is wonderful, but hopefully they’ll include more disability rep into actual hunts where you don’t need to spend any money to even get the 3-4th vip avis. 🤷🏻‍♀️
    SierraStarlet and ShotoTodoroki like this.
  17. While they don’t make them quite as often, they have made “cheaper” avatars with disabilities. off the top of my head there was a midget, 2 different females missing limbs (one an arm the other a leg) a couple males missing legs though one was a LB. the pantheon shards, the Hephaestus inspired ones were missing legs I think. I’ve never seen a wheelchair bound avatar though so this is a first for me.

    ATA doesn’t ignore it. It’s hard enough to make everyone happy and still make a profit. These are Permanent avatars so save up the ecs if you want one that bad.
  18. Of course. In my own comment, I said that this is great and either way it’s appreciated. I also reference some avis that were amputees with the ballet themed monthly ones. It’s amazing that they even did those. However, most disabled avis haven’t been in actually hunts, meaning quite a large amount of players ultimately miss out unless they get very lucky.

    I think introducing more things like canes/walkers/wheelchairs and etc into the cheaper monthly avis or into actual stories would be great to see rather than only higher EC/money ones.
    SierraStarlet likes this.
  19. As a disabled person, I can't express how beautiful it is seeing this finally happen :3 I have campaigned very loudly for years now to see this happen in the store. I am very thankful and impressed to see this happen.

    The greatest feeling in the world is all my friends pm'ing and pinging me to tell me about this. It's incredibly heartwarming and wholesome. It brings tears to my eyes just knowing how much everyone knew this would mean to me.

    I think they are drawn incredibly well. I really just can't wait to see you guys add more. The only thing I'm waiting on is a female wheelchair user avatar. Maybe throw in a hot pink or purple wheelchair in for me ;)

    $50 is quite a bit for a disabled person. Most of us are quite poor. But I'm up to the challenge of offerwall and being prepared for the future of these. I hope momentum speeds up and doesn't slow down about adding permanent store disabled avatars. Representation is so important. It took a very very very long time to get here. But I'm so happy you guys are doing it. It makes me very tearful and I'm so happy c:
  20. It's nice to see these avatars not just the hunky and sexy ones but also the disabled. I wish the devs made a discount for its first release because it's very expensive for me 😩 I'd love to have the compsci guy.
    Ungrateful2 and Quantum like this.