It’s a player I have reported that has farmed me, harassed and bullied me. I have blocked them. Yet they have went as far as threatening the club I was in which got me kicked as a member. They are still on the game with no punishment whatsoever able to bully others. It’s not fair as Im somewhat new and enjoyed the game up until this point and now I feel my only option is to cancel my subscription and delete this app that I liked because I no longer feel safe or happy because bullies are allowed to do without consequences.
Some people are just fuckin assholes that want everything their way so they harasss farm bully when they can't get their way it just shows how sad they are in rl and in general a dude tried to farm me because I hit on his gf first of all all I didn't know she was your gf and 2nd of all you never heard for sharing? Fucking bullies man.
Yes because I hired my friend and they decided to bully and harrass and then moved on to the club I was in and bullied them as well till they kicked me so they would not get farmed so people like this get to whatever and it’s not okay became that isn’t the first time something like this has gone on but Never this severe and it’s not okay to bully members of the club I was in over something that did not involve them.
ITS A GAME. If hitting people is a mechanic of the game, using it doesn’t make you a bully. It does not matter how many people you use it on, for how long, or for what reason. Life isn’t over. You can still play the game.
Like how can you even say you don’t feel safe?! Are they coming to kick down the door to your house or something? Lol wtf is wrong with you people 😂 this shits not real!
i dOnT fEeL sAfE lmfaooooo use a peace tag & go on with ur day. farming is allowed. the only time its not is when they start asking for irl money, breaking rs or ec item purchases.
What happened to you was not “bullying”, it was you not liking how someone else played the same game you’re playing. And your safety is not compromised. Chill tf out.
Honestly if over half these self-proclaimed farmers on this app tried to throw hands irl, there would be nothing to even be scared about 💀
I’d bet 80-90% couldnt even handle in person confrontation of any kind. Like you can tell by the power they think they have over a game. But what I find worse is the people crying about them over a game. Like these are the reason they feel like they have some fake power in a game.
Oh so the threats in my pm and to members of the club I was in just standard. I understand now thanks.
So inboxing threats to strangers is ok duly noted no need to continue this dialogue since I understand that what I feel is a joke to many because it’s just a “game”. Thanks for the advice. Stay blessed and good day.