PIMD Aprils' Fools Day 2021 Vocabulary List?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by beautification, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. Hi , can anyone make a vocabulary list.
    I tested out some.

    Pls: Or Else
    Lol: you're not funny
    Guys: Meatballs
  2. 🌸A T A. Says. Happy.
    A P R I L.
    F O O L s D A Y 😂😂😂🌸
    Muschi and beautification like this.
  3. okay and
    PIMD: Dinner at my grandma's
    ATA: The coolest peopel you'll ever meet
    New: scholarly
    Muschi likes this.
  4. Pasta : Tacos
    Sexy: Parmesan
    History: The dominion of Canada bla bla
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Lmao: lost my alfredo sauce
    Lmfao: lost my favourite alfredo sauce
    Muschi likes this.
  6. Lol = you’re not funny
    Lmao = lost my Alfredo sauce
    Lmfao = lost my favorite Alfredo sauce
    Ty = I owe you my firstborn
    Hi = get away from me
    Pm me = send me a note via carrier pigeon
    Wall me = please contact me post haste
    Add me = put on my robe and wizard hat
    Ata = the coolest person you’ll ever meet
    Rp = pasta cooking
    Wtf = can you pass the salt
    April fools = Christmas
    Confused = aroused
    Girl/women = chicken
    Boy/men = meatball
    Omg = on my gnocchi
    Roles = pasta sauce
    Pasta = tacos
    Mod = chef
    Chat = brag
    Af = al forno
    Dom = Oregano
    Sub = Basil
    Parmesan = sexy
    Pimd = dinner at my grandma’s
    Campus = dining room
    Pub = kitchen
    Butt = posterior area
    Tf = uwu
    Boyfriend = eggplant
    Dorm = nest
    Wmo = I have gas
    Daddy = linguini
    Mommy = fettuccine
    Help = pleasure
    Smd = share my dessert
    Hoes = tomatoes
    Marceline = will
    Will = Marceline
    Partner = garlic bread
    Baby = nobody puts baby in a corner
    Stupid = Amazing
    Monkey = Emma Stone
    Emma Stone = pocketfullofsunshine
    RP = pasta cooking
    Alt = My sexual partner
    Emoji = pictogram
    Please = or else
    Hey = never speak to me or my son again

    creds to @_-WinterIsComing-_
  7. Thanks ❤
  8. What did Emma Stone do
  9. Huh
  10. New=scholarly
    Muschi and beautification like this.
  11. Already posted
  12. Butcoin =butt
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Also bitcoin =butcoin
    Muschi likes this.
  14. Old = vintage
    Muschi likes this.
  15. Sugar = al dente
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Like my thread guys 🥺🤡
  17. Hmu= I am looking respectfully
    LeeRoyBrown, BakedSloth and Muschi like this.
  18. Has anyone found how to stop it yet?
  19. hĂ´t - chilly
  20. Italian- Mexican