How to get Max Drops?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by devil_woman_24, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. Basically, title. How can I get max drops on every party? I notice some people hit less times than me and get more drops.
    Peter_Parker100 likes this.
  2. Try hitting cash bars more. Basically it depends on stats (total amount of energy consumed). Some people get an extra 20% drops due to their subscription plans.
    Muschi, devil_woman_24 and Elizabetg like this.
  3. It depends a lot on raw stats (not sure about tuts, misc, dorm, or avi because I don't notice a change). You are about 12mcs. I'm about 35mcs. For me, I can do an unload and a half on any bar for just about any party, and I'll get max drops.

    I'm no expert, but I think it also has to do with how many hits you can manage, so actually you may want to focus on NON money bars, as opposed to what Peter suggested. (For example, if I can get 35 hits on tease in a cat cafe, I'll get max drops.)

    You can also just experiment a little, hit only cash bars in one party, then hit non cash bars in the next. Try hitting 15 times in one party, 30 times in another, then 50, to see how much your hits change your drops.
    Muschi, devil_woman_24 and Elizabetg like this.
  4. @devil_woman_24 Max drops and cash are earned by having max plunder, with that being said it also depends on stats since high stats players deal more damage on parties and naturally get max drops depending on their hits. So stats matter and max plunder is definitely of more importance if u need to earn max drops corresponding to whatever ur stats are
    Refer forum posts about max plunder for more detailed explanation and the formula for calculating it
  5. I will try your advice first and experiment. I am at max plunder too
  6. Non cash bars seem to give more drops compared to cash bars. Other then that keep max plunder and just keep hitting. The higher stats you get the less hits it takes to get max drops
  7. This is what I was about to say lol. Keep upgrading your stats and stay at max plunder and you’ll soon see that it takes less hits to get to max drops 💜
  8. Not true, i can hit about 4-6 hits on cashbars for max drops and non Cash bars are 10-20 hits, though you get more hits in for your energy on non cash bars. Still you get more drops hitting Cashbars.

    Anyway, max drops is mostly dependant on stats, so just keep upgrading and make sure always to have max plunder and you'll get it.
  9. Its what i noticed with me but algoodz