Stimulus Checkz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. Whatchu gonna do with your hard earned 1.4k Stimulus Check I'm probably gonna use it to buy lots of useless shit but that's what its for right stimulate the economy in shit right no way is that going to bills or rent or none of that shit its going to useless shit on my end
    bloodhoney likes this.
  2. If i got that much 1st thing i would do is take my cat to the vet for her surgery. And if theres anything left it would go towards car parts/tools
  3. I'm gonna strongly consider buying a
    hot tub once again.

    Then I'll throw it on the mortgage and into some silver bars.
  4. All dat going into savings.
  5. Someone with a brain
    Kefo and CrimeFightinCactus like this.
  6. I’m buying all new stuff for work. I just ordered new shoes and scrubs, but I’ve got my eye on a fancy stethoscope that’s gonna set me back a few hundo so that’ll have to wait for this check
  7. I’m going to finally go back to the doctor for an MRI and probably surgery because insurance is dumb 😗 and also buy lots of supplies for my business because I want to start creating sculptures again ✌🏼 So some fun, some dumb. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  8. I’m investing it into my new business that will hopefully bring way more income than this stimmy😇
    Alicia, Empress_ and Quantum like this.
  9. You stimulate the economy by saving.
    Invest in yourself as best you can as you would at any time.

    Money+power to the people.
    Alicia likes this.