
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Mar 5, 2021.

  1. first I don't care about your pov on abortion you can be pro life pro choice whatever but I do have a question say if a married couple have a baby and the woman doesn't want the baby does the husband have a say in the matter or is it strictly her choice with no outside opinion/say? Imo when you choose to marry someone you choose to make bigger decisions as a whole and not singular not hearing your husband out and saying:my body my choice and going through with it would probably be inconsiderate unless you beforehand during the dating period said that you'd abort any unwanted kids on the go without putting your partners feelings and opinions then ya why not they at least would know what they are getting into so what do you think does the husband have the say or nah her body her rules??
  2. Probably depends on local jurisdiction. Laws are different everywhere regarding this.

    Personally I think topics of importance like this need to be discussed before marriage -- or really any sort of sexual relationship.

    But overall I believe that the rights of the person carrying the pregnancy to make the decision for their body over the person that just, essentially, donated their sperm and doesn't have to handle the bulk of the physical and mental work of a pregnancy and childbirth.
    Fawn378, LeeJarrett and ShotoTodoroki like this.
  3. over all i dont really care what people do with their unborn baby. thats their problem and not mine.
  4. Not abortion, but in some places if you’re under a certain age (usually like 30-35) you can’t have your tubes tied without your husband also signing off. Even if you’ve already had children.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  5. Soooo I’m sure it’s possible that in some places the same might go for abortions 🤷🏻‍♀️
  6. It obviously depends on the state/community laws and such, but at the end of the day, it’s the pregnant persons body. If we apply rights to bodily autonomy, they should be allowed to receive the procedure even if their partner doesn’t agree. Should they talk about it first, thoroughly and even before it happens? Of course, but at the end of the day, it’s no ones body but theirs.
    ShotoTodoroki and Muschi like this.
  7. Choose wisely whomst you impregnate.
    A plastic potato toy can't even choose to be a mr or mrs anymore. Sad
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  8. We comparing humans to plastic toys now? This isn't Toy Story...
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  9. Well, that’s not even true, they simply dropped the “mr” from the brand.. Anyways.
    Let’s not compare toy rumors to a topic about.. actual humans 😂
    Muschi likes this.
  10. Meh, women can decide that on their own. But, men should be able to legally opt-out of the financial burden of a child they did not want if the woman decides to keep it.
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  11. When in doubt flush it down hehe. Jk... Or maybe not... I just think they should discuss this matter as couple and reach a consensus.
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  12. I agree with you
  13. I used to think that but we'd just be screwing each other over think about it dude if men opted out someone would have to pay the bill... who the government through our taxes meaning higher taxes at the end of the day it is on you if you have sex weren't careful enough and got someone pregnant and she wanna keep the baby so you might as well pay for your deed not the rest of us through our taxes lol
  14. Wow y would they drop the mr from the brand ? They should have left mr and mrs potato and just created other gendered potatoes or some shit growing up i had many mr potatoes ya sure id lose all the pieces but damn y u do that
  15. Ya choose wisely too many crazy people out there man its not even about you but about your kids I wouldn't wanna have a kid with someone that is irresponsible and inconsistent and shit that'll mess the child up too and then its yo fault yo child is fucked up from 0-18 it's on you what happens to that child
  16. Thats not right tbh it makes me sick that is not good hub material tbh
  17. Yeah they should allow to have the procedure even if the partner doesn't want it i agree with you but yes I am a big fan of communication
    Quantum likes this.
  18. I agree her body and shit but imo communication is still a big must let's say i got this girl preggo she wants to keep the baby and I don't I wouldn't just say "get an abortion or we are through" that takes away the ability to dialogue its like her shutting me down by saying my body my choice yes yes I get that part but if you shut your partner down like that imo its just inconsiderate id want to be able to express why id want her to keep the kid and if she were to counter it with her valid reason id understand but just trying to shut me down by saying my body my choice would make me not feel valued as a partner not the abortion part like yeah you don't wanna have my kid fine I don't want you to have a baby you don't wanna have but you have to hear me out 100% and then you can do what you gotta that's what I'm trying to say if it makes sense
  19. They dropped it from the brand because it’s more than just mr potato head, there’s multiple characters. That’s pretty much it 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Muschi likes this.
  20. I asked this shit cause a couple I know in rl is going through this and I feel bad for the dude cuz he being shut down hard-core and I wanted opinions