Multi Box Opener

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Daddybearz, Mar 3, 2021.


Add multi box opener button

  1. Yes

    30 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
  1. I am suggesting ATA adds a button that gives us the option to open more than 1 box at a time. Like an option to type in how many boxes we want to open at once just how we select how many keys we can buy at once & etc. Example if we have 5 hunt boxes and 5 pimd keys we'd be able to open those 5 boxes at once or 2 if we wanted to.
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  2. This is becoming the new trade avis i swear....
  3. It's a good idea tho so who cares
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  4. This idea is better then trading Avis. I have over 600 speed up bags and I refuse to sit and open every one. It’s tedious. This feature would really be beneficial
    Galaxy, RAVING, Sansa and 1 other person like this.
  5. i had this same idea time ago, but like instead it has to be a different box if you wanna open another and there's most likely a limit if ATA ever puts this in, but love the idea haha.
    Daddybearz likes this.
  6. Doubt they will do this as it will completely change The collectaton xc. People can just open 100 boxes and shoot up to first place the last minute. Same goes for top 10 and top 100. Too many people will get pissed off and ATA will most likely hear it.
  7. This part. @ATA take notes 📝
  8. I get what you mean. And honestly I don't mind opening tons of lite boxes one by one. But the speed up bags... just thinking about opening those one at a time irks me.
    Galaxy and -Sett- like this.
  9. YESSSSSSS I HAVE So many but they won’t listen to my suggestion about this 😒
    ThePhoenix2HisSloth likes this.
  10. No support. So much fun opening them one by one tbh
  11. But wouldn’t we have to buy the Pimd keys?
  12. You can buy bulk keys from the store tab. Or when you tap on a box to buy a key you can pick how many keys
    imcooked likes this.
  13. I feel like a brokeboy just buy reading that😂
  14. Ive only ever got a few n only from ec i won from spinner lol i dont spend money on this game
  15. I have patients but when it comes to special events...wallet empty