Speeding ticket

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by REX, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. A man is speeding so a cop
    pulls him over. He admits he
    committed a robbery so he
    sped. The cop calls for
    backup but they find nothing.
    The man replies, "I bet that
    liar said I was speeding too!"'
    Azari likes this.
  2. Cops have visual and audio recorders on them at all times, that they only turn off to commit crimes themselves.
    Azari and Muschi like this.
  3. The mistake was admitting the crime think about it if you are speeding 100 at a 50 mph area and the cop pulls you over and asks you "do you know why I pulled you over?" They already know why they just want you to confirm it to get yo ass now it is better to say idk I was minding my own business chances are you could appeal the ticket or cop will walk off cuz they donr wanna deal with that bs
  4. Oh yeah, like cops'll believe you over one of their own.
    Azari likes this.
  5. That’s absurd. Cops don’t “walk away” if you use the correct combo of words. And most cops don’t manipulate their cameras so they can do illegal stuff. That’s offensive to even say.
    Azari likes this.
  6. this is obviously a joke
    NurseBecky and Azari like this.
  7. Tell the cop no support
    Cavalera, Azari and Muschi like this.
  8. I was told by a lawyer not to say "I don't know" to a cop because then they can say you were doing anything but not paying attention. You have to stick to the fact you weren't doing anything wrong and that you know that
    Azari likes this.
  9. You have to stand up for yourself.
  10. How did you guys turn something that was clearly a joke into whatever this conversation is? 😂 Relax.