[Contest] Perfect Matches

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Muschi, Feb 10, 2021.

  1. Me waiting for my RS to upload ;) Btw luck everyone ❤️
    -SHA-, Arkin and Elisse like this.
  2. [​IMG]

    Hi to my RS,

    So we've been RS/friends for more than a year now. We were totally strangers back then looking for RS at end of Vday Hunt 2020 lol. He wanted an Indian RS and I wanted a Pinoy RS. We said that if we didn't find any we would just stick with each other. What started as only RS for stats has blossomed into a beautiful friendship.

    I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I'm thankful to have met you. Hoping for more years together unless you get tired of me and break up 😂💕

    P.S. We had a great time matching avis! We had three options initially but we decided to go with this one. Ours even has a story. It would be great if we could share it someday 😂
    Muschi, -SHA-, Arkin and 1 other person like this.
    and i didnt do the colors im lazy lol
  4. So sweet , Thnx the game who gave so many ppl so many great & so close friends 😃
    -SHA- likes this.
  5. [​IMG]


    The Best RS that i ever had that i don't want to share to anyone else ❤😍
  6. [​IMG]

    The kind of RS that you wish you have 😊 A man with a good heart and sincerity 🤗 a good partner and a friend ❤ he always got your back and willing to be your shoulder to cry on 🤗 we've been together for less than 2 years but everyday feels new 😌 this man that I'll cherish and keep for the rest of my life 😍❤

    Thank you @____ARCHANGEL____ for making my pimd life memorable ❤
    Muschi, ARKLlGHT, iBELLA_ and 2 others like this.
  7. I felt that 🥺❤
    iBELLA_ and -Neve- like this.
  8. [​IMG]

    You have me in your tiny adventures. I'll cheer whenever you're playing. I'll give you a quick pep talk when you're getting distracted, show and suggest you great animes and manggas. You have me in fun and games, in every win and lose. I am always here, willing to love you and be held by you in everything. I love you.
    Shin-ah and Muschi like this.
  9. __LEO__ and Muschi like this.
  10. Technically this was submitted past the deadline in OP but I'll allow it since I wasn't online to state submissions were closed. :)

    From this point forward, all submissions are closed. I will be selecting and contacting the winners soon.

    Note: Mods, please do not lock thread.